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Biodiversity Communications Team presentation to the New Brunswick Biodiversity Collaborative New Maryland, NB March 30, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Biodiversity Communications Team presentation to the New Brunswick Biodiversity Collaborative New Maryland, NB March 30, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Biodiversity Communications Team presentation to the New Brunswick Biodiversity Collaborative New Maryland, NB March 30, 2015

2 Biodiversity Communications Team Goals:  to develop a communication plan for biodiversity to increase understanding among all NBers of the multiple values of biodiversity, the need to conserve it, and the need to participate in the decision-making process. So.......

3  Our goal in 2015 To develop a logo/brand to help create awareness of the importance of biodiversity and build public interest in preserving it. Make it easy to strengthen the messages we all put forward through the use of an easily recognizable logo. How would this look? How would it work?

4 The brand can be used by environmental groups and individuals to demonstrate solidarity for the initiative, much like CCNB’s Buy Local NB campaign.

5 The brand could also be used in the form of a ‘web badge’, so environmental groups and others working on biodiversity projects can show that they are a part of a bigger initiative to preserve biodiversity in the province.


7 Developing a logo and key messages Your input! Recent survey – would a logo and key messages be useful to you? Logo design ideas – we’ve put a lot of thought into this and welcome your feedback and ideas. Here are some existing logos...

8 Branding Biodiversity?

9 In what ways can your organization use a biodiversity logo to create more awareness about biodiversity? De quelles façons votre organisation peut-elle utiliser un slogan sur la biodiversité afin de créer une meilleure sensibilisation envers la biodiversité? Discussion

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