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U.S. Enters WWI. U.S. Role Pre-1917 U.S. had been supplying food and arms to both sides at the beginning of the war Britain blockaded (closed off routes)

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Presentation on theme: "U.S. Enters WWI. U.S. Role Pre-1917 U.S. had been supplying food and arms to both sides at the beginning of the war Britain blockaded (closed off routes)"— Presentation transcript:

1 U.S. Enters WWI

2 U.S. Role Pre-1917 U.S. had been supplying food and arms to both sides at the beginning of the war Britain blockaded (closed off routes) Germany

3 Germany Sinks the Lusitania 1915 Lusitania was a passenger ship Germany torpedoed it near Ireland 128 people died Wilson and most Americans still wanted to be neutral, but were upset with Germany

4 Wilson wins re-election in 1916 He won using the slogan “He kept us out of war” Public opinion did not support war Americans still wanted to keep its distance from the war

5 Russian Revolution-1917 Factory workers went on strike for higher wages Czar Nicholas II gave up his throne, later his whole family was murdered A provisional government was formed, but overthrown by the Bolsheviks Bolsheviks pulled Russia out of the war

6 Germany gave orders for unrestricted submarine warfare Wilson had warned Germans against it, broke off diplomatic relations with Germany Sussex Pledge (Germany appeases U.S. to keep us neutral…) – Passenger ships would not be targeted; – Merchant ships would not be sunk until the presence of weapons had been established, if necessary by a search of the ship; – Merchant ships would not be sunk without provision for the safety of passengers and crew.

7 Zimmerman note 1917 Germany continues its aggressive behavior- sent a secret telegram to Mexico Mexico and the U.S. had a tense relationship during the early 20 th century… almost went to war… Germany offered to help Mexico reclaim lost lands if they would join Germany (This would occupy the U.S. on its OWN borders…) U.S. outraged

8 Declaration of War April 2, 1917 Wilson asked Congress to declare war The U.S. was not ready, it did not have a large army or a large amount of military equipment

9 Antiwar Activism Not everyone wanted to go to war Some considered the war in Europe “unjust” Some like Emma Goldman (an anarchist) urged young men to resist the draft Espionage and Sedition Act (1917) Goldman was imprisoned and deported for conspiracy

10 Raising an Army Selective Service Act- men had to register to be drafted Men underwent an 8-month training program Women signed up for the Army Corps for Nurses

11 Expanding the Navy Shipyard workers were exempted from the draft U.S. Chamber of Commerce publicized importance of shipyard work Shipyards used mass production techniques The government took over private ships and converted them for war use

12 America turns the Tide Exhausted Allied troops eagerly awaited U.S. troops in Europe

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