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Adware and Browser Hijacker – Symptoms and Preventions /killmalware /u/2/b/1096049109 39523942865 /alexwaston14/viru s-removal/ /channel/UC90JNmv0 nAvomcLim5bUmnA.

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Presentation on theme: "Adware and Browser Hijacker – Symptoms and Preventions /killmalware /u/2/b/1096049109 39523942865 /alexwaston14/viru s-removal/ /channel/UC90JNmv0 nAvomcLim5bUmnA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Adware and Browser Hijacker – Symptoms and Preventions /killmalware /u/2/b/1096049109 39523942865 /alexwaston14/viru s-removal/ /channel/UC90JNmv0 nAvomcLim5bUmnA lmalwares

2 Table Of Content 1.What is Adware 2.Symptoms of Adware 3.How to Prevent Your System From Adware 4.What is Browser Hijacker 5.Symptoms of Browser Hijacker 6.How to Prevent Your System from Browser Hijacker 7.Conclusion

3 What is Adware? Adware is nothing but advertising software which is specifically designed to display and deliver ads and op-ups on users computer screen. It is simply a passage for the software developer to gain profit by getting paid for placing ads within their software. Adware can be categorized as malware programs like worms, virus and spyware too. The ads and pop-ups they used to deliver to the users may be related to them but in reality, those ads or pop-ups are not requested by the users. When users download any freeware, games or other applications from the internet, users are asked to accept the license agreement then only they can install the software on their system. But comes the main role of adware, they also get installed on users system along with the software users install. Once it gets installed on your system, it will start displaying continuous ads automatically.

4 Symptoms of Adware: Recognizing adware is very easy for the users. If users come in contact with this kind of issue then it becomes very easy to know if they are infected with the adware or not. But those, who use computer very rarely, will get confused. So, some common symptoms are mentioned below to know if your system is infected with adware program or not: Install unwanted toolbars and software: When you open your browser you will notice some toolbars added to it and when you open your Control Panel and click on uninstall a program, you will notice some installed software which you have never installed.

5 Display ads and pop-ups: When you click on the link you want to visit, you will get another pop-ups window displayed with some advertisements which are being used for promoting their business. Slows down your browser and PC: When your system gets infected with adware program then you will notice the difference that your system is working very slowly than before, as it will take more time to load the web pages than before.

6 How to Prevent your system from adware program: You can take following steps in action in order to prevent from adware program: Keep your Windows Updated: Always keep your Windows updated. Also, you should always install security software and other important updates with your service pack that will help you keep your computer away from adware or by some other similar attacks. Scan you system Regularly: Always try to scan your computer at regular interval by using your anti-virus that will keep you safe and secure and away from these kinds of attacks. Use Anti-malware program: In order to prevent from adware infection you can also install anti-malware program that can easily detect and remove this kind of infection from your system and can keep your system protected.

7 What is Browser Hijacker? Browser Hijacker is a kind of malware program that can easily alter or modify your browser’s settings and so you are redirected to the sites that you are not willing to visit. Almost all the browser hijacker modifies default home pages and search pages to the customers who pay for that service because of traffic it generates. Browser hijacker may also be installed without user’s permission. It can be enter through infected or spam emails or a drive-by download. IT can also be very dangerous for you as it will redirect you to other malicious web pages that can trick you into click on any of the link displayed in the web page and unknowingly you will install browser hijacker into your system.

8 Symptoms of Browser Hijacker: Changes your Default Search Engine: When your system gets infected with this program, it will completely change your default search engine. When you will open your search engine page then you will notice that you will be taken to some other sites. Resets Your Homepage: After getting infected with browser hijacker you will notice that the homepage you have set before is changed to some other page. Hijack an Internet Connection: Some of the program can also hijack an Internet connection for the program’s own use. If you identify that your browser has been hijacked then it is understood that your system has been infected with Browser Hijacker.

9 How to Prevent your system from Browser Hijacker: You can follow the below mentioned steps which are most common in order to prevent from browser hijacker: Use Antivirus software with ‘Realtime Protection’: Most of the antivirus software provides realtime protection feature that keep an eye for attempts to change key configuration. If you have software like this then it may alert you if there is a chance to get infected with browser hijacker. Update your OS and Browsers: Always make sure that you have the latest and the greatest version of your browser with the updated security patches applied because it will prevent your system to get infected with this kind of program.

10 After going through the above slides you must have noticed what adware and browser hijacker is. Also, you must be now familiar with the symptoms and preventions of the adware and browser hijacker. If your system ever becomes infected with these malicious programs then you should go for Anti-Malware Tool in order to remove these from system.

11 /killmalware /u/2/b/109604910939 523942865 /alexwaston14/virus- removal/ /channel/UC90JNmv0n AvomcLim5bUmnA lmalwares

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