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Unit 4. Have you ever seen these films? Philadel- phia 《费城故事》 Cast Away 《浩劫重 生》 Saving Private Ryan 《拯 救大兵瑞恩》 Big 《飞 进未来》 Forrest Gump 《阿甘正 传》

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 4. Have you ever seen these films? Philadel- phia 《费城故事》 Cast Away 《浩劫重 生》 Saving Private Ryan 《拯 救大兵瑞恩》 Big 《飞 进未来》 Forrest Gump 《阿甘正 传》"— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 4

2 Have you ever seen these films? Philadel- phia 《费城故事》 Cast Away 《浩劫重 生》 Saving Private Ryan 《拯 救大兵瑞恩》 Big 《飞 进未来》 Forrest Gump 《阿甘正 传》

3 A brief introduction of the films Philadelphia 《费城故事》 : Andrew, a lawyer who suffered ADIS, fight for the right of gays as well as himself. Forrest Gump 《阿甘正传》 :Gump was born slow-witted but he was encouraged by his mother and his loved girl. Finally he made great achievements in whatever he did.

4 Saving Private Ryan 《拯救大兵瑞恩》 : A team went to save Ryan, the last son of a mother in WW2. Cast Away 《浩劫重生》 : about the life of Chunk Noland, who lived on a deserted island. Big 《飞进未来》 : A fifteen-year old boy became an adult after giving a promise. Who is the leading actor of all these films?


6 Guess the meaning of the words in red according to the context. 1.When his parents separated, he and his two elder brothers went with their dad. 2.Hanks began appearing in many of the 1980s most famous comedies, which kept his career going. 3.He reached a peak in 1990 with Big. 4.He has a natural charm that the audience love and respect. It is no wonder that Cast Away earned him nominations once again. 5.Hanks played the slow-witted but lucky Forrest Gump and received his second Oscar.

7 Skim the text to get the main idea Para1 : Para2: Para3: Para4 : his childhood the beginning of his career peak in his career the finest actor

8 1. Read the whole text and complete the following table with the information you get. Para. time/ achievement supporting evidences 1 childhood had no good friends _________ in school theatre plays Careful reading took roles

9 2 beginning of his career tried to ___________ began by playing roles ___________ _____ kept his career going by ___________ ___________ become a star on a television show playing roles in comedies

10 3 peak in his career in 1990________________ ___________, in 1993__________________ ____________. in 1994______________ _________________, in 1998___________________ ___________. won another Oscar nomination won the second Oscar for best actor won the year’s Oscar for best actor got his first Oscar nomination

11 4 the finest actor had many ____ in China and was _____ and ________ by the audiences. respected loved fans

12 Discussion How do we introduce a person in English according to the text? (personal data; the growing process; achievements and so)

13 Introduce the famous star Zhou Jielun. 中文名:周杰伦 外文名: Jay 出生地:中国台湾 出生日期: 1979 年 1 月 18 日 职业:歌手,演员,老板,音乐制作人 爱好:篮球,魔术 杰伦是 2000 年后亚洲流行乐坛( music circles ) 最优秀的创作歌手( creative singer ) ,有 “ 亚洲 流行天王 ” 之称

14 Language points in search of He went into the kitchen in search of a drink. He moved to Beijing in search of a better life. search search for

15 take roles in play a part in reach a peak separate from

16 After he left school, he was off to New York City, where he was going to take the big gamble and try to become a star. It is no wonder that Cast Away earned him nominations once again. It’s a wonder that Where 引导非限定性定语从句

17 Thank you Goodbye!

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