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First College-Level Course Guidelines Webinar Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board February 5, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "First College-Level Course Guidelines Webinar Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board February 5, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 First College-Level Course Guidelines Webinar Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board February 5, 2014

2 First College-Level Course Guidelines Webinar Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, February 5, 2014 Agenda Background First college-level course (FCLC) accountability measure The need for guidelines Development of guidelines Highlights of proposed final guidelines Areas of reading, writing and math Questions & Answers THECB 2/5/14

3 Accountability Measures for Developmental Education Three Critical Skill Areas Reading Writing Math Compare Fall First-time in College Students College-ready Not college-ready Three Measures Measure 1: Completing a first college-level course in skill area Students who are college-ready – 1 year Students who are not college-ready – 3 years Measure 2: Meeting TSI within two years (students not college-ready) Measure 3: One-year persistence THECB 2/5/14

4 First College-Level Course Data Reporting Institutions report completion of the first college-level course in reading, writing, and math Institutions have discretion in selecting what courses count Guidelines In the past (during TASP initiative), the Coordinating Board published a list of first college-level courses Some institutions still use the list The Coordinating Board does not currently publish guidelines THECB 2/5/14

5 Reporting First CL Course on CBM00S Item #20/#23 First-College-Level Course (FCL) Enter ‘1’ – ‘4’, as appropriate, if this is the first college- level course that the student passed with a grade of A, B, or C. This field is used to determine successful completion of a first college-level course for undergraduate students (a success measure in the accountability system related to Texas Success Initiative standards). Report ‘0’ (not applicable) for a course in which the student received a grade other than A, B, or C, as the course will not satisfy the requirements of the measure related to this item. (See the introduction for more information.) 0 Previously reported as successfully completing first college- level course or not applicable 1 Math 2 Reading intensive 3 Writing intensive 4 Reading and Writing intensive THECB 2/5/14

6 Need for Guidelines Frequently Requested by Institutions Equity & Shared Understanding At Community Colleges, Success Points THECB 2/5/14

7 Creation of Stakeholder Group THECB asked institutions to nominate individuals Participants selected from every institution who sent nominations 70 participants 39 institutions represented Purpose of stakeholder group Collaboratively develop guidelines for reporting first college-level courses THECB 2/5/14

8 Stakeholder Group First College Level Course Guidelines Universities, Lamar & State Tech. Colleges, Community Colleges Development Education Faculty Academic Course Faculty Administrators Range of Disciplines THECB 2/5/14

9 Development of Guidelines 1 st meeting with stakeholder group on August 7, 2013 CB staff synthesized input and developed 1 st draft of guidelines Sent 1 st draft to stakeholder group for feedback 2 nd meeting with stakeholder group on October 18, 2013 Sent revised draft to stakeholder group for feedback Developed final proposed guidelines Shared with institutions during February 5 webinar Final Guidelines will be distributed and posted on the THECB data website after additional comments are reviewed and incorporated THECB 2/5/14

10 Guidelines for Reading …students read college-level texts in English as an essential aspect of the course design. Course Criteria (drawn from Texas College and Career Readiness Standards) Students locate textual information, draw inferences, describe, analyze and evaluate textual information. Students comprehend and use vocabulary to communicate effectively. Students identify/analyze audience, purpose and message. Students describe/imply insights gained from reading. Students connect reading to historical and current events and personal interest. General Guidelines 3 semester credit hours TSI requirement in reading THECB 2/5/14

11 Reading Courses Courses that will always count if they meet the General Requirements (Academic Course Guide Manual (ACGM) learning outcomes for these courses meet the criteria listed above): HIST 1301, 1302, or university equivalent GOVT 2305, 2306, or university equivalent PSYC 2301, 2314, or university equivalent SOCI 1301, 1306, or university equivalent PHIL 1301, 2303, 2306, or university equivalent Courses that will count if they meet the Course Criteria and General Requirements: ENGL 1301, 1302, or university equivalent GEOG 1300-level or university equivalent Literature courses Art, music, and theatre history courses Courses that are not recommended: Courses in art, music, or theatre other than those identified above Foreign language courses Learning frameworks courses THECB 2/5/14

12 Reading Courses If an institution wishes to use a course that meets the Course Criteria but is not on the recommended course list, then the institution should maintain documentation justifying the use of the course as a first college-level course in reading. THECB 2/5/14

13 Guidelines for Writing For most students the first college-level course in writing should be ENGL 1301 or 1302. Course Criteria Other courses may be used if students write in English as an essential component of the course design. At least 30 percent of the course grade must be based on student writing. General Guidelines 3 semester credit hours TSI requirement in writing THECB 2/5/14

14 Writing Courses Courses that will always count if they meet the General Requirements (Academic Course Guide Manual (ACGM) learning outcomes for these courses meet the criteria listed above): ENGL 1301, 1302, or university equivalent Courses that will count if they meet the Course Criteria and the General Requirements: Literature courses History courses Courses that are not recommended: Creative writing Foreign language courses Learning frameworks courses THECB 2/5/14

15 Writing Courses If an institution wishes to use a course that meets the Course Criteria but is not on the recommended course list, then the institution should maintain documentation justifying the use of the course as a first college-level course in writing. THECB 2/5/14

16 Math: Background Type of ProgramTSI RequirementProgram Course Requirement Academic associate or baccalaureate degrees or other associate degrees/level 2 certificates where math is required Students required to meet TSI in math Students take an academic math course as a part of their program Applied associate degrees or level 2 certificates where math is a NOT required Students required to meet TSI in math Students take an academic math or natural science course as a part of their program. (See the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) general education requirements.) For some level 2 certificates, students are not required to take an academic math or natural science course as a part of their program. THECB 2/5/14

17 Guidelines for Math W HEN A M ATH C OURSE IS REQUIRED FOR P ROGRAM General Requirements 3 semester credit hours TSI requirement in math Recommended Courses All 1000-level and 2000-level ACGM MATH or lower-level university credit-bearing math courses Statistics courses, including PSYC 2317 and university lower-division statistics courses in social studies, economics, and business University lower-division quantitative analysis courses Courses that are not recommended: Any course not identified above THECB 2/5/14

18 Guidelines for Math W HEN A M ATH C OURSE IS NOT REQUIRED FOR P ROGRAM General Requirements 3 semester credit hours Recommended Courses Any of the courses recommended when math is required for the degree or certificate program A math or natural science course that fulfills program requirements. In general, institutions should report a math course over a science course and a physical science course over a biological science course. One of the following WECM technical math courses: TECM 1301/1401 Industrial Mathematics TECM 1341 Technical Algebra TECM 1343 Technical Algebra and Trigonometry TECM 1317 Technical Trigonometry Courses not recommended: Any course not identified above For students seeking a level 2 certificate where no academic math or science course is required, students who complete any of the Recommended Courses listed above may be reported as completing a first college-level course. THECB 2/5/14

19 Questions & Comments

20 Contact Information Jana Cossairt Program Director, Planning (512) 427-6546 THECB 2/5/14

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