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Building a Muslim Empire. Early Challenges to Islam Who Should Rule? - The decision was between Abu Bakr, Muhammad’s close friend and father-in-law and.

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Presentation on theme: "Building a Muslim Empire. Early Challenges to Islam Who Should Rule? - The decision was between Abu Bakr, Muhammad’s close friend and father-in-law and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Building a Muslim Empire

2 Early Challenges to Islam Who Should Rule? - The decision was between Abu Bakr, Muhammad’s close friend and father-in-law and the younger Ali, Muhammad’s cousin - Eventually most agreed that Abu Bakr, Muhammad’s close friend and father-in-law should be named the first ____________ - Abu Bakr and the next 3 caliphs after him are effective leaders, take control of Jerusalem and build a shrine called The Dome of the Rock where Muslims believe Muhammad ascended to ______________

3 Divisions Emerge – Sunni & Shiite - In spite of the accomplishments of the Abu Bakr and the next few caliphs, a violent schism starts to develop between the ________________ - A group of Muslims believed that before Muhammad’s death he had appointed his son-in-law and cousin _______ to become the leader of Islam - The group that believes this became known as _____________ or “faction of Ali” - Shiites believe that the true successors of the prophet Muhammad are his direct descendants: called Imams

4 Shiite Muslims - They believe in the Imam and that he is infallible because he is the chosen one of Allah. Much like the __________ in the Catholic faith - Strictly follow the Quran, but also whatever the Imam says. Believe his word is the word of _________ - In order to rule you must be from Muhammad’s _______________, they don’t acknowledge the Sunni’s caliphs - About 120 million worldwide, 10% of total Muslim population - They are the minority

5 Sunni Muslims - In ancient times they believed that as long as you were part of Muhammad’s tribe you could become caliph. Today they believe that as long as you are qualified to lead you can become a ruler - Strictly follow the _________, but aren’t as hardline as the Shiite - About 940 million worldwide, make up 90% of all Muslims in the world - They are the majority

6 The Umayyad Dynasty Rise & Decline - The Umayyad caliphs came to power and ruled until 750 AD - Expanded the Muslim Empire from _________ in the west to the Indus River Valley in the east - Early on they treated the people they conquered, even Christians and Jews fairly, did not force them to convert to ____________ - Created a fair tax structure, really focused on helping the __________ which is one of the 5 Pillars of Islam - Just like with the past Empires we have studied, the Umayyad’s acquire too much land to take care of, face invasions and Shiite Muslims rising up against them

7 The Abbasid Dynasty Rise & Decline - The Shiite led Abbasids came to power in 750 AD Many changes occurred under Abbasid rule: - Stop trying to conquer large ______________ - Stop discrimination against non-__________ and Shiites - Moved the capital city from Damascus in Jerusalem to ____________ near the Tigris River A.D. 700 - 850

8 Baghdad - Became the cultural center for Muslims, exceeded the size and wealth of __________________ - The city was beautiful, filled with markets, gardens, palaces, mosques and minarets, which are tall slender towers that surround a mosque

9 Muslim Empire Declines - Slowly but surely, the Abbasid’s lost control of the areas they had due to a number of invasions and more ______________ between Sunni and Shiite Muslims - The Seljuk Turks will eventually take control; they will adopt the Islamic religion and put into place a ___________ or ruler - The Turks will threaten the Byzantine Empire by not allowing Christians to enter the city of Jerusalem, doing so will lead to the first ______________ in 1095


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