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Kai Ruhl, Pablo Beltrami November 2009 Webservices for Distributed Access to Space Weather Models ESWW6, Bruges, Belgium.

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Presentation on theme: "Kai Ruhl, Pablo Beltrami November 2009 Webservices for Distributed Access to Space Weather Models ESWW6, Bruges, Belgium."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kai Ruhl, Pablo Beltrami November 2009 Webservices for Distributed Access to Space Weather Models ESWW6, Bruges, Belgium

2 The Presenter Kai Ruhl Software engineer 2009-11-18 etamax space Braunschweig, Germany SWENET distributed computing

3 2009-11-18 Goals of this talk The topic is space weather service provision... –i.e. provision of data or models –from a distributed computing perspective –what is possible for the future? Goals of this talk: –Awareness amongst service providers –What can be done with distributed computing? –RPC (remote procedure calls): Webservices and other methods

4 2009-11-18 Part 1: Assumptions

5 2009-11-18 Assumption 1: –You are a service provider –with a focus on nowcasts and forecasts –... less on events in the past

6 PC 2009-11-18 model impl (.exe) input data (files) input data (files) input parameters User output data (files) output data (files) Assumption 2: –You have implemented a space weather model –as software. –workflow: 

7 PC 2009-11-18 model impl (.exe) input data (files) input data (files) input parameters User output data (files) output data (files) Webserver raw data (FTP files) data processing Assumption 3: –You need regularly updated, recorded data –as model input: 

8 Programming-related definitions: –Function: A programmed method/function/procedure –Distributed: More than 1 computer –Remote: Somewhere on the internet Internet-related definitions: –Service or API: An interface to be called by program e.g. an Apache webserver called by a Firefox browser –Request, Response: Input and output parameters –XML: A text file looking mostly like HTML (a web page) 2009-11-18

9 Part 2: Service provision choices

10 2009-11-18 Service provision Basic service provision choices:... –a command line application –a Desktop application... –a website –a remote API local (1 computer) distributed (2+ computers & internet)

11 Service provision (1) 2009-11-18 User PC Cmd Model scientific implementation or classic engineering tool (with GUI mostly)

12 Service provision (2) 2009-11-18 User PC Cmd PC Browser Model WS Website Model SWENET services SPENVIS (common today)

13 Service provision (3) 2009-11-18 User PC Cmd PC Browser PC App Model WS Website WS RPC service Model operators, e.g. ESOC

14 Service provision (4) 2009-11-18 User PC Cmd PC Browser PC App PC Browser or App Model WS Website WS RPC service WS VO Model WS RPC service Model

15 Service provision (composite) 2009-11-18 WS RPC service WS e.g. Virtual observatory (VO) IPSAT WS RPC service SHIELD OSE WS RPC service SEDAT GOES protonsproton fluencesTID

16 2009-11-18 Part 3: Distributed Computing

17 2009-11-18 RPC: Remote Procedure Call Remote Procedure Call: –Inter-process communication –Usually to processes on other computers –Standard case: Calling a function on a server Basic remote procedure call choices: –binary formats –XML formats (standardised or proprietary)

18 RPC (1) 2009-11-18 User App DCOM service binary (propriet.) Model 1980s approach works only on one platform

19 RPC (2) 2009-11-18 User App CORBA service binary (standard) DCOM service binary (propriet.) Model 1990s approach platform independent (mostly)

20 RPC (3) 2009-11-18 User SOAP service App CORBA service binary (standard) XML (standard) DCOM service binary (propriet.) Model 2000s approach platform independent (more)

21 2009-11-18 Part 5: Webservices

22 Web Services Web service characteristics –Function calls over HTTP(s) (in SOAP format) –XML messages for request and response –WSDL for service and data description 2009-11-18 SOAP service App (HTTP) 1. WSDL spec. 2. XML request 3. XML response

23 Developing a Webservice (1) Prepare WSDL (web service description): –Think about input (request) and output (response) –Think about functions (1 request, 1 response) –Document in WSDL (here: access to SWENET database) –Put WSDL file on your website

24 Developing a Webservice (2) Implement the webservice interface: –With any language of your choice (and an open source SOAP library), e.g. in Java or PHP –Functions and parameters must match WSDL 2009-11-18

25 Developing a Webservice (3) Implement the webservice functions: –Make functions write input files (from request) –Make functions call model run –Make functions read output files (to response)

26 Webservice/SOAP assessment Advantages: –Platform and language independent –Easy to read, find bugs, protocol –Good connectivity (HTTP works everywhere) Disadvantages: –Text messages larger than binary messages, thus: –Relatively slow on the network. 2009-11-18

27 Webservice Libraries Open source webservice libraries: –Java: built-in since Java 6 (annotation @Webservice) older versions: Axis2 or Apache CXF (previously XFire)Axis2Apache CXFXFire –C++: gSoap2gSoap2 –C#: built into ASP.NET (attribute [WebMethod]) –PHP: built-in (class SoapClient) –Ruby: built-in (require 'soap/wsdlDriver') –Python: SOAPpySOAPpy –Perl: SOAP::LiteSOAP::Lite –Fortran:... not that ubiquitious 2009-11-18

28 Part 5: Conclusion

29 Conclusion Webservices are good software practice –invites a wide variety of clients –supports practices like MVC, SOA Advantage for participating in SSA –or in any larger, distributed system. –your user interface is not the only one. 2009-11-18

30 Outlook In the future... –when all service providers have web services –when VOs and operators aggregate services Space weather still need common concepts. –a standardised vocabulary (“ontology”) –and common data interpretation Astrophysicists have begun this consolidation –Virtual observatories, SPASE ontology, VOTables data tables 2009-11-18

31 Vispanet ESA is developing a virtual observatory prototype –space environment data from ground and space-based sensors –outputs from numerical models of the space environment –distributed system demonstrator allowing coupling of data & models providing warnings of space weather hazards for space systems Concepts from this talk: –will use ontology, maybe based on SPASE –will probably use web services or a custom variation 2009-11-18

32 2009-11-18 etamax space GmbH Richard-Wagner-Str. 1 D-38106 Braunschweig Tel +49 (0)531.38 02.400 Fax +49 (0)531.38 02.401 Email

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