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The Story of God’s Explosive Grace. Let’s do some review.

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Presentation on theme: "The Story of God’s Explosive Grace. Let’s do some review."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Story of God’s Explosive Grace


3 Let’s do some review

4 The Book of Romans is the core of the New Testament, and Romans 3.21-31 is the core of the core of Romans

5 Paul offers Abraham as proof that salvation has always been based on faith and never works in Romans 4.1-25

6 As though being declared righteous in the court of heaven wasn’t enough, many more incredibly blessings flow from what Christ has done for us at Calvary when He declared, “It is finished!”

7 1. Results of being declared righteous 1-2 a. Peace with God b. Standing in grace c. Exultation in hope (anticipation of the incredible things to come) 2. A changed view of life’s troubles 3-4 3. Christian evidence that hope doesn’t disappoint 5-11 a. God’s loved poured into our hearts 5 b. The greatest proof of God’s love is the cross 6-8 c. The cross brought justification, reconciliation, and escape from God’s judgment on sin 9-11

8 Pat’s paraphrase of Romans 5.1-11

9 1 Let me tell you how unbelievable it was that God declared you righteous in heaven when you believed in Jesus. At that very moment in eternity, the war between you and God ceased and an everlasting peace began. 2 This same faith made it possible to stand before God, not based what we have done, but purely in His grace. This causes us to jump up and down in excitement as we anticipate that which we had lost because of our sin (3.23), we will experience in the future, that is being sinless and sharing in God’s glory.

10 3 But wait, there’s more! Our whole attitude about the difficulties of this life has changed. No longer do we try and avoid them like the plague, but now we are excited about them because we see how God is using them in molding us into the person He wants us to be. Just look at the wonderful cascading effect that the Lord has made. First, life’s problems gives us the ability to keep on keeping on, 4 Second, this then produces Godly character in us. Lastly, our improved character then builds up excitement and anticipation of God’s future plan for our lives and the world. Wow!

11 5 Now anticipating all these thing that God has done for us and what He is going to do is not without a logical foundation. What is this foundation? It is the fact that God’s love has been poured out within our hearts. Who poured out this love? The Holy Spirit did Who was given to us when we became Christians. 6 Let me explain the depth of God’s love that was poured out into our hearts. Before the cross we were helpless and drowning in a sea of sin, then at a specific time which had been prophesized and orchestrated by God, Christ died for all the ungodly of the world.

12 7 Think about this! You would be hard pressed if you could find someone who would be willing to die to save an upright guy, you might be a little more lucky to find someone who would die for someone a little better. 8 But imagine this! God’s doesn’t just say, “I love you,” but proves it that in that while we were sinners He sent His only begotten Son to Calvary to be crucified on the cross for our sins.

13 9 But wait, there is much, much more! Now that God has declared us righteous in the courts of heaven because of Christ’s finished work at Calvary, this means that we are no longer included at the Great White Throne judgment where God’s wrath will be poured out on every human who stands before Him and is found guilty.

14 10 Now let’s keep thinking this through, if in the past we were God’s enemies and our fractured relationship with Him was healed because of the cross, then does it not follow that now since we have a restored relationship with God, that Jesus’ current life as the triumphant King of Kings guarantee that we will be saved from this future consequences and judgment from our sins? 11 Oh but there is still more! Now we jump up and down even higher in excitement because it all now makes sense. God through our Lord Jesus Christ has restored our once fractured relationship. Wow! It is just unimaginable all that God has done for us.

15 Seven Things You Should Know about Your Salvation Gift from Romans 5.1-11


17 Well to understand the real meaning of peace in verse 1, one must ask what was one’s relationship to God prior to his salvation? Answer: 1. He was an enemies of God – 5.10 2. And hostile toward God – 8.7 So Paul’s point is that the believer is no longer at war with God as he was in his pre-Christian state. Jesus finished the war by “…having made peace through the blood of His cross.” Colossians 1.20


19 Paul’s language in this passage reveals a building block progression of excitement: 1. And not only this – 3 2. Much more than – 9 3. And not only this – 11

20 Possessing continual joy is the natural state of man before the fall. It is sin that erodes happiness and joy. Our being forgiven and declared righteous the true is the gateway to joy.

21 When the truth about what Jesus has done for us at Calvary really sinks in and we get it, the natural impact simply doesn’t stop at the rational but rather floods our souls with emotional joy. Hence Paul’s usage of the word rejoice in this passage is power packed with emotion, jumping up and down, shouting, hands waving, party throwing, and screaming out through the halls of the universe, “I am free, I am free, praise God I am free.”

22 Of all the words that the Apostle could have used to describe the standing that believers now possess, he uses the Greek word χάρις (cháris) meaning grace. If it’s not grace, it is not Christian

23 What do the following words have in common with grace? 1. Joy 2. Thanksgiving 3. Gifts 4. Grace All share the same root word and there exists a clear connection.


25 OLD WAY… 1. Man’s entire existence is summed up by his short time on earth. 2. Hence, troubles are obstacles to one’s prime directive: happiness. 3. It makes sense to avoid troubles at all costs. NEW WAY… 1. Earth is just the beginning, heaven is our final home. 2. In preparation for heaven, God molds our character into the likeness of Christ. 3. A major tool of God is life’s troubles in spiritual growth. 4. Therefore I now see His purpose in problems and welcome them.

26 We now see life’s difficulties as the raw material the Father uses in our lives to get us ready for eternity (sanctification)… 1. Tribulations – Life’s troubles 2. Perseverance – Ability to keep on keeping on 3. Proven character – What you are really like are when no one is looking 4. Hope – The great emotional anticipation of what God has planned for us in the future

27  Sometimes Paul uses a logical device to open our eyes to what God has done for us.  This device is built on the, “if X is true, then Y must rationally follow.”  In verse 10, Paul employs this technique. You find it in the use of the words, “much more.” He states that if back in the day we were God’s enemies and in humility He reconciled us to Himself, then does it not follow that as the triumphant King of Kings will He not protect us and eternally save us from any future consequences of our sin and His judgment?

28 32 He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him over for us all, how will He not also with Him freely give us all things? Romans 8.32 So back to the question of what has the Father has decided to hold back from us in His spiritual blessings. The answer is absolutely nothing! There is nothing more that God could have given you than what He has given, the sacrifice of His Son at Calvary to ransom you from hell.

29 Technically speaking, is it ever appropriate to ask God for more of His love?


31 The problem is not the Christian’s love tank, but rather a stuck valve that needs to be opened. This is not just semantics. The point here is that God has done His part, it is our selfish sin nature that keeps the valve closed and needs to be turned wide open.

32 1. We have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ 1 2. Christ died for the ungodly 6 3. Christ dies for us 8 4. Justified by His blood 9 5. Saved from the wrath of God through Him 9 6. Reconciled to God through the death of His Son 10 7. We shall be saved by His life 10 8. We also exult in God through our Lord Jesus Christ 11 9. Through whom we have now received the reconciliation 11

33 This passage makes it abundantly clear that Jesus is the only way to God. If there are other ways to God than Jesus, then Jesus would have to be taken off that list. Why? Because Jesus would have been found to be a liar and blasphemer because He and the New Testament attest to His exclusive means to forgiveness and salvation. Jesus Himself says, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me. John 14.6

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