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Welcome to Psychology. Let’s review What is Psychology? Pick a partner Tell them what psychology is.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Psychology. Let’s review What is Psychology? Pick a partner Tell them what psychology is."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Psychology

2 Let’s review

3 What is Psychology? Pick a partner Tell them what psychology is

4 Psychology The scientific study of behavior and mental processes.The scientific study of behavior and mental processes. –scientific research methods. –Behavior = all observable behavior. –Mental processes = thoughts, feelings and dreams.

5 Where did Psychology come from? Aspects of the Mind have been pondered for thousands of years by Philosophers! ….like… Socrates! Plato! Nature It’s Nature – we’re just born this way!

6 …and Aristotle! …and Aristotle! (335 B.C.) Nurture! It’s Nurture! Our environment shapes who we are!

7 Nature vs Nurture This is still the fundamental debate in Psychology today! the mind and behavior remained merely philosophic discussion until….the mind and behavior remained merely philosophic discussion until….

8 1879 establishes the first psychology laboratory at the University of Leipzig, Germany. This is generally considered the starting point of Psychology as a science. Wilhelm WundtWilhelm Wundt

9 Psychoanalysts Sigmund FreudSigmund Freud - around 1900 The unconscious mind controls much of our thoughts and actions!

10 Behaviorists 1930s and 1940s1930s and 1940s People repeat behaviors that are rewarded and stop behaviors that are punished! Pavlov Watson

11 Humanists 1960s and 1970s People have free will! They are guided by physical, emotional and spiritual needs! Carl Rogers and others – 1960s and 1970s

12 A Few more Contemporary Psychological Perspectives

13 Cognitive Perspective Focus: On how people think and process information Behavior is explained by how a person interprets the situation

14 Biological Perspective Focus: How our biological structures and substances underlie a given behavior, thought, or emotionFocus: How our biological structures and substances underlie a given behavior, thought, or emotion Behavior is explained by brain chemistry, genetics, glands, etc.Behavior is explained by brain chemistry, genetics, glands, etc.

15 Social-Cultural Perspective Focus: How thinking and behavior change depending on the setting or situation Behavior is explained by the influence of other people present

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