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Week 1 notes Protein structure Water Vitamins Minerals.

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1 Week 1 notes Protein structure Water Vitamins Minerals

2 11 Warmup

3 Warmup 6/2 How do the following factors affect enzyme activity? – Temperature (temperatura) – Substrate concentration (cantidad de sustrato) – Enzyme concentration (cantidad de enzima) – Competitive inhibition (sustancias inhibidoras)

4 Protein structure: ________________ – Linear sequence of a chain of amino acids (this sequence is derived from the cell’s DNA code) Secondary – Shows the ____________________ of the chain due to hydrogen bond interactions between amino acids in different locations in the chain – (1 of 2 basic shapes form: alpha helix, pleated sheet) _____________ – The folding of an alpha helix or beta sheet back onto itself due to various intermolecular forces Adds stability Quaternary – Complex structure formed by ___________________ polypeptide chains combining

5 Protein structure

6 What do you know about Water? How does it contribute to cell structure? What is its role in cell transport? How does it regulate temperature? It is the universal ______. – Which means… – Important because….

7 Minerals and Ions (iones y sales minerales) What are they? Examples? – ____________________ that you consume in the form of various salts dissolved in food and water Difference between _______________… – Cat= + (Na+, K+, Mg2+) – An = - (Cl-, HCO 3 -, PO 4 3- ) How do they contribute to the structure of living things? – Salts precipitate out and form solid/insoluble structures that often have skeletal function How do they function as cofactors/coenzymes for catalysts(enzymes)? – Enzymes cannot work without co-factors, and each enzyme is designed to work with a particular co-factor. You have heard of these co-factors, they are called "minerals” (and vitamins). Unless an enzyme is accompanied by its co- factor/mineral, or a substitute co-factor/mineral, it will simply sit around doing nothing. ______________________________________________ How do they regulate pH? _____________with either excess H+ or excess OH- _______________________

8 You need to be familiar with… Calcium (Calcio) Potassium (Potasio) Sodium (Sodio) Phosphorus (Fósforo) Magnesium (Magnesio) Iron (Hierro) Zinc (Zinc) Chlorine (Cloro) Sulfur (Azufre) Copper (Cobre) …Make flashcards… Study them Quiz tomorrow

9 Vitamins… You take a vitamin tablet in the morning. Someone says eat your fruit and vegetables because they have vitamins. What’s so important about vitamins?

10 Functions THEY DO they do help to convert energy into the energy form your body uses They do improve and assist enzymatic reactions THEY DON’T While they do not provide energy like protein from meat and sugar from breads, They are not components of tissue structure like macromolecules.

11 Classification Water soluble (hidrosoluble) _____________________ travel freely through the body, and excess amounts usually are _________by the kidneys (_____________) Body needs frequent, small doses Not as likely to be toxic (they’re excreted too quickly) Fat soluble (liposoluble) _________________ Found in fat-containing foods _________in the body's cells and are not excreted as easily as water-soluble vitamins Do not need to be replenished as often because they are stored Too much could be toxic (especially A and D)

12 Homework Memorize vitamins and minerals Quiz over water, vitamins, minerals, enzymes and protein structure TOMORROW

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