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Do Now: Write Out Questions 1.The Enlightenment applied ______________ to the human world. Much like the Scientific Revolution applied it to the natural.

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now: Write Out Questions 1.The Enlightenment applied ______________ to the human world. Much like the Scientific Revolution applied it to the natural."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now: Write Out Questions 1.The Enlightenment applied ______________ to the human world. Much like the Scientific Revolution applied it to the natural world. 2.The Enlightenment fueled revolutions in ___________ and ______________. 3._________ ___________ incorporated Enlightenment ideas when he wrote the American Declaration of Independence.

2 English Civil War

3 James I and the clash with Parliament James I wanted absolute power when he inherited the throne from Queen Elizabeth Elizabeth wanted absolute power too, but was better at flattering parliament to get her way Always conflict between the royalty and parliament over $ - royalty wants $ for royal court and foreign wars

4 Also annoyed people b/c he refused to make Puritan reforms (get rid of Catholic practices). Hated when anyone told him what to do (sound familiar?) Known for the King James bible – the Puritan translation of the old bible

5 King James I

6 Charles I 1625, James I dies and his son, Charles I, gets the throne Always needed $ for war When parliament denied $ requests, he dissolved parliament 1628, parliament gets back together and asks Charles to sign the Petition of Right

7 Petition of Right No imprisonment without due cause No taxation without parliament’s consent No putting soldiers in private homes No martial law during peacetime Charles I signed the petition and then ignored it – even dissolved parliament again and levied mad taxes on the people

8 English Civil War Since Charles I ruled over Scotland AND England, there were several religions Charles I wanted ONE religion – ended up in Civil War when the Scots rebelled War cost $, so Charles needed Parliament. Parliament hated him and wanted to limit his power o Supporters of Charles I = Cavaliers o Supported Parliament= Roundheads

9 Under leadership of Oliver Cromwell, the Puritan roundheads finally won (1646) Took Charles I hostage, tried him in front of the public and executed him g5xSw4 g5xSw4

10 Oliver Cromwell 1649 he got rid of the monarchy and established a republican form of government Sent most of the Parliamentary members home and eventually established a military dictatorship (he tore up the first constitution that his associate produced) Since Ireland was under English rule, the Irish revolted against Cromwell and failed – 616,000 Irish were killed by war, plague and famine

11 Do Now: Copy Questions 1.What is the Petition of Rights? Why is it important? 2.Who are the two groups involved in the English Civil War? 3.What is the outcome of the English Civil War?

12 Restoration and Revolution English get sick of military rule and after Cromwell dies, they ask the older son of Charles I (Charles II) to rule England Restoration Charles II takes the throne = Restoration Allowed the return of theater and sports Passed important guarantee of freedom: Habeas Corpus o “to have the body” o People need to know why they’re arrested o Could not be held indefinitely without trial

13 James II and the Glorious Revolution James II got the throne after Charles II died James II was openly Catholic; most of England hated him for this Glorious Revolution James was eventually peacefully overthrown by his own daughter and her husband = Glorious Revolution William and Mary then ruled England

14 Political Changes First Constitutional Monarchy where laws limited the monarch’s power English Bill of Rights 1689: o No suspension of Parliament’s laws o No taxes w/o Parliament’s consent o Freedom of speech in Parliament o No penalty for complaining about the King

15 Political Parties Form During the late 1600s, political parties formed in the new strong Parliament Tories = aristocrats who sought to preserve older traditions o More royal power o Strong Anglican Church Whigs = Backed the Glorious Revolution o Urban business interests o Religious toleration o Parliament over the Monarchy

16 Cabinet Style Government Cabinet formed after British throne goes to German speaking George I o Needed leaders in Parliament to help him rule o Eventually became known as the Cabinet Over time, the head of the Cabinet came be known as the Prime Minister o This person would head the government o Eventually they took up all the power of the monarchy

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