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MACBETH By Shakespeare in 1623. Where? Scotland in the Middle Ages.

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1 MACBETH By Shakespeare in 1623

2 Where? Scotland in the Middle Ages

3 Characters Macbeth Once loyal warrior who becomes crazed after tempted with power Constantly fighting right from wrong with what is best. Lady Macbeth Controlling wife of Macbeth Much more ambitious and ruthless than Macbeth Banquo Foil to Macbeth He is best friend to Macbeth who is less ambitious on the future The Three Witches Dark and ominous puppeteers Temptation of Evil Duncan The King

4 Summary 1. A warrior Macbeth becomes thane new thane of Cawdor 2. Macbeth and his pal Banquo meet witches who tell them they will both get the crown(Banquo by his son Fleance) 3. Lady Macbeth Persuades Macbeth to kill king Duncan, He does 4. Lady Macbeth persuades Macbeth to kill his Friend Banquo,he does, and his son Fleance, He does not. 5. The witches in anger with Macbeth give him a false prophecy that he is invincible and cannot be killed by no man born by woman 6. Macbeth is killed by Macduff who was born by C-section.

5 Quotes “Let not light see my black and deep desires” Macbeth “Fair is Foul and Foul is Fair” the Three Witches “I have given suck and know How tender ‘tis to love the babe that milks me: I would, while it was smiling in my face, Have pluck’d my nipple from his boneless gums, and dash’d the brains out, had I so sworn as you have done this.” Lady Macbeth

6 Themes Power corruption The Importance of Loyalty and Duty The Relationship of Man and Ambition

7 Shakespeare uses… Rhyming couplets in the witches dialogue whenever they speak giving an ominous feel to their prophecies Constant Hallucinations to express the state of Macbeth’s psyche

8 Shakespeare uses… Foils many people are viewed to be the counter reflections of Macbeth especially Banquo but including others like Lady Macbeth.

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