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Identifying Data Newborn female Filipino Born on November 25, 2013 33 year old G2P2 (2002) 38 6/7 weeks age of gestation based on LMP.

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2 Identifying Data Newborn female Filipino Born on November 25, 2013 33 year old G2P2 (2002) 38 6/7 weeks age of gestation based on LMP

3 Maternal history Blood group B+, HbsAg nonreactive 4 th month AOG – had UTI, had fever and cough which was treated with an unrecalled antibiotic for 7 days (+) Family history of an unspecified lung disease Occasional social drinker prior to pregnancy

4 Birth history Spontaneous onset of labor Spontaneous rupture of membranes Vaginal delivery Born full term with AS 9, 9, 39 weeks by MT BW 3.54 kg BL 47 cm

5 2 nd HOL Non-separation Good suck during latching Good cry and activity RUE: 73/39 LUE: 70/28 RLE: 76/31 LLE: 75/38 HR: 156 RR: 54 T:36.4 Noncyanotic Good air entry, regular cardiac rhythm Full pulses, CRT <2 sec A> Term newborn female

6 17 th HOL Good suck during latching Good cry and activity With urine output and meconium passage HR: 145 RR: 52 T:36.6 Noncyanotic Good air entry Soft systolic murmur at left parasternal order Full pulses, CRT <2 sec A> Term newborn female, probably in transitional circulation

7 40 th HOL Good suck during latching Good cry and activity With urine output and meconium passage HR: 140 RR: 40 T:37.3 Wt: 3425 grams (wt loss 115 grams, 3% BW) Noncyanotic Good air entry Grade 2/6 holosystolic murmur at left parasternal border A> Term newborn female, probably in transitional circulation rule out congenital heart disease

8 43 rd HOL 2D Echocardiography:  4mm ventricular septal defect  2-3mm patent ductus arteriosus with continuous flow  Left sided aortic arch with a juxtaductal coarctation (2mm)  Dilated main pulmonary artery, still R ventricle dominant heart  PA pressure 60 mmHg  CHD; VSD, Coarctation  Small PDA  RV and PA hypertension

9 48 th HOL Exclusively breastfed with good suck Good cry and activity Adequate urine output and meconium passage HR: 127-146 RR: 42-72 T:37.3 Noncyanotic Good air entry Grade 2-3/6 holosystolic murmur at left parasternal order Fair femoral pulses A> Term newborn female, CHD – VSD, Coarctation

10 NICU Referral Noncyanotic RUE: 88/34, 98% LUE: 91/34, 96% RLE: 67/47, 100% LLE: 63/38, 97% HR: 154 RR: 72 T:37.8 Noncyanotic Good air entry Grade 2-3/6 holosystolic murmur at left parasternal order Fair femoral pulses, left>right A> Term newborn female

11 NICU Referral Feeding with expressed breastmilk continued IVF D10IMB at TFR 90ml/kg/day Diagnostics: CBCPC, Blood C&S, Chest XrayCBCPCBlood C&S Therapeutic: Ampicillin at 101.7 mg/kg/day Gentamicin 3.95 mg/kg/dose Definitive management:  Options:  Open heart surgery: VSD and repair of coarctation  Closed heart surgery: Coarctation repair OR coarctation repair + band

12 Day 4 of life Underwent repair of coarctation and PA banding Procedure:  Extended end-to-end anastomosis, PA banding Intraoperative findings:  Short segment, preductal coarctation approximately 2 mm in diameter  Hypoplastic aortic arch

13 Postoperative Issues: Hypertension  BP range: 97-114 /46-69 mmHg  Nitroglycerine started Assisted ventilation  Commenced during operation  Maintained and gradually weaned from mechanical ventilation  Spontaneous respiratory capability was monitored via pulse oxymeter and blood gasesblood gases  Extubated on day 1 post op

14 Postoperative Issues: Increasing WBC  Afebrile  Chest xray showed presence of bilateral lung opacities  Cefotaxime added to present antibiotics at 50 mg/kg/dose

15 Final Diagnosis Live term baby girl delivered via NSD to a 33 years old G2P2 (2002) 38 6/7 wks AOG by LMP, MT 39 wks, AGA, AS 9,9 Congenital heart disease – Coarctation of the aorta with large ventricular septal defect s/p coarctation of aorta repair (end to end anastomosis), pulmonary artery banding, thoracotomy

16 CBC with platelet count HgbHctWBCBandNeuLymPlt 11/281444414.6--5338304STG 12/011685218.736819165STG 12/061725220.4--5832388-- Blood C&S: No growth after 7 days of incubation

17 Electrolytes NaKiCaMgBUNCrea 11/281414.31.210.8710.60.78 11/291414.40.98 11/301413.90.9111.760.60 12/041425.63.60.42

18 Blood Gases pHpCO2HCO3pO2BEO2 Sat 11/287.4123.615.1132.2-6.798 11/297.2249.620.4177-799 11/297.3735.921.1184.6-2.999 FiO2 – 40% PIP 16 PEEP 6 RR 45 IT 0.4 11/307.3741.423.97995 FiO2 – 21% PIP 14 PEEP 4 RR 20 IT 0.4

19 Thank youThank you

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