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There must be intelligent life forms beyond the Earth.

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Presentation on theme: "There must be intelligent life forms beyond the Earth."— Presentation transcript:

1 There must be intelligent life forms beyond the Earth.

2 According to Psychology Today, Intelligence is defined as an organism with the ability to: Reason deductively/inductively Think in abstraction Use analogies Synthesize information Apply information to new domains

3 According to the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, there are conservatively 60,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars in the observable universe Physical laws are constant throughout the universe If a natural phenomenon occurs at least once in the universe, it occurs elsewhere

4 As evidenced by humans, intelligent life naturally evolved from primitive life If primitive life exists elsewhere in the universe, intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe

5 As evidenced by Earth’s history, under certain suitable conditions, primitive life appeared at least once in the universe Under suitable conditions, primitive life will appear elsewhere in the universe

6 In a paper presented by Dr. George Wald to the US National Academy of Sciences, it was established that life requires: Liquid Water Specific elements needed for metabolism and reproduction A source of energy

7 Liquid Water NASA has confirmed that ice exists on Mars Water exists beyond the Earth There are planets within the life supporting band of their star with temperatures suitable for liquid surface water Gliese 581 has at least one planet in this band according to the International Astronomical Union Liquid water exists on a planet beyond the Earth

8 The elements needed for metabolism and reproduction Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Sulfur, Phosphorous Monovalent/divalent metals Dr. Wald concludes that life is made of components that are easily available in nature These elements exist in at least one place beyond the Earth

9 A suitable source of energy Star Stars exist elsewhere in the universe

10 Based on evidence and probability, the conditions for primitive life to arise exists in at least one other place in the universe Because the conditions for primitive life to exist elsewhere exists and because primitive life arose at least once, primitive life does exist elsewhere in the universe Because primitive life exists elsewhere in the universe and because intelligent life naturally evolves from primitive life, there must be intelligent life forms beyond the earth.

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