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Monday – October 6, 2014 Mr. Lombardi Do Now: Analyze the following quote/excerpt: It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age.

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Presentation on theme: "Monday – October 6, 2014 Mr. Lombardi Do Now: Analyze the following quote/excerpt: It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monday – October 6, 2014 Mr. Lombardi Do Now: Analyze the following quote/excerpt: It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity… - Charles Dickens A Tale of Two Cities Aim: Why was France on the brink of revolution in 1789?

2 Causes of The French Revolution There were many inequalities in French society/government. – ex: taxes & land distribution. 1 st and 2 nd estates lived in luxury while the 3 rd estate lived in poverty*. * bourgeois were wealthy.

3 Domain-Specific Vocabulary 1.Estates-General – An assembly of representatives from all three estates. 2.National Assembly – French congress established by representatives of the 3 rd estate on June 17, 1789 to pass laws and reforms. 3.Tennis Court Oath – A pledge made by the members of France’s National Assembly; they vowed to continue meeting until they had created a new constitution.

4 Setting the Stage for Revolution… In 1789, the Estates-General had been called by Louis XVI. He was desperate to get a new land tax passed. An equal number of representatives from all three estates attended. No progress was made. The Third Estate was unhappy that they had only one vote out of every three, even though they represented 97% of the French population!

5 Setting the Stage for Revolution… On June 20, 1789, members of the third estate arrived for the Estates-General meetings (as they had been doing) but this time the door was locked. The third estate representatives were suspicious, they believed the King was about to shut down the Estates-General.

6 Tennis Court Oath: June 20, 1789 What observations can you make from this painting?

7 National Assembly (1789-1791) Louis XVI did not actually want a written constitution. When news of his plan to use military force against the National Assembly reached Paris on July 14, 1789 the people stormed the Bastille.

8 Storming of the Bastille prison The “opening event” of the French Revolution - July 14, 1789

9 Summary Why did the people of France revolt against King Louis XVI in 1789?

10 The Tennis Court Oath (Speech): – Write your own “Tennis Court Speech” as if you were a member of France’s Third Estate in 1788. – Be original and creative! – DO NOT COPY ANOTHER STUDENT’S WORK! – Due: Tomorrow, October 7 H.W. #4

11 Critical Thinking Questions: 1.How would you have reacted to the Old Regime if you were Louis XIV, a member of the first, second, or third estate? 2.If you were a member of the third estate what type of plan would you generate to fix the inequalities? 3.What criticisms do you have about the General Assembly? 4.Hypothesize the outcome of the French economy if the 3 rd estate continued to bare the financial burden 5.Decide King Louis XVI fate- should he be put to death?

12 Regents Prep Regents Prep – The French Revolution

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