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THEMIS Instrument CDR 1 UCB, April 20, 2004 ESA & SST (ETC) Interface Board Critical Design Review Robert Abiad University of California - Berkeley.

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Presentation on theme: "THEMIS Instrument CDR 1 UCB, April 20, 2004 ESA & SST (ETC) Interface Board Critical Design Review Robert Abiad University of California - Berkeley."— Presentation transcript:

1 THEMIS Instrument CDR 1 UCB, April 20, 2004 ESA & SST (ETC) Interface Board Critical Design Review Robert Abiad University of California - Berkeley

2 THEMIS Instrument CDR 2 UCB, April 20, 2004 Overview Overview of ETC Interface with particle instruments Processing of particle data Passing data back to DCB (main processor)

3 THEMIS Instrument CDR 3 UCB, April 20, 2004 Connections Instrument and DCB interfaces ESA commanding –ETC acts as translator –ESA & SST data collected –ETC collects data and processes it ESA & SST spin sectoring Other signals –SST commanding from the DCB –ESA & SST analog housekeeping wires to the DCB –SST clock from the DCB


5 THEMIS Instrument CDR 5 UCB, April 20, 2004 Requirements Data production Slow Survey - 13 moments/data type (2 species x 2 instruments) Slow Survey - Reduced angle distribution/data type/Nspins Fast Survey - Full angle distribution/data type/Nspins Burst - Full angle distribution/data type/spin

6 THEMIS Instrument CDR 6 UCB, April 20, 2004 Requirements Moments There are 13 moments calculated for 4 different data types Moments are calculated using an entire spin of data  represents the 32 spin angles  represents elevation angle - 4 for SST and 16 for ESA E represents particle energy -16 for SST and 32 for ESA

7 THEMIS Instrument CDR 7 UCB, April 20, 2004 Requirements Moments (cont.) C is the count of particles at a particular field of view. This data comes from the instruments.  is the solid angle. This value is programmed into a lookup table by the processor. WP is a combined weighting and spacecraft potential correction. This value is calculated in the ETC using lookup tables and the equation: Where V is the spacecraft potential and N=0-3

8 THEMIS Instrument CDR 8 UCB, April 20, 2004 Distributions Purpose –Measure full particle angular distributions with equal solid angle resolution. Polar angle measurements are combined to produce equal solid angle bins and to reduce data volume. Full Distributions –ESA sees 512 fields of view in a spin (32 spin phase x 16 elevation angles). This gets reduced to 88 angle bins. –SST sees 128 fields of view in a spin (32 spin phase x 4 elevation angles). This gets reduced to 64 angle bins. –Solar wind mode gives higher angular resolution Reduced Distributions –For survey data covering more of an orbit due to low bandwidth –ESA and SST data reduced to 8 angle bins. –Electron pitch angle distributions Requirements

9 THEMIS Instrument CDR 9 UCB, April 20, 2004 Distributions (cont.) Burst Distributions –Burst are identical to full distributions in angular and energy makeup, but recorded every spin. All data will be converted from X bits to Y bits using a pseudo square-root compression scheme Use lookup tables to do angle translations Requirements  

10 THEMIS Instrument CDR 10 UCB, April 20, 2004 Status FPGA design completed Individual modules simulated System simulations ongoing Debugging in GSE hardware Timing requirements met in Actel Post-Combiner device utilization: SEQUENTIAL Used: 1664 Total: 2012 (82.70%) COMB Used: 3050 Total: 4024 (75.80%) LOGIC Used: 4714 Total: 6036 (78.10%) (seq+comb) IO w/ Clocks Used: 50 Total: 167 CLOCK Used: 2 Total: 2 QCLK Used: 1 Total: 4 HCLOCK Used: 1 Total: 1

11 THEMIS Instrument CDR 11 UCB, April 20, 2004 Instrument Interfaces Instrument interface protocols ESA command interface

12 THEMIS Instrument CDR 12 UCB, April 20, 2004 Instrument Interfaces Instrument interface protocols ESA telemetry interface

13 THEMIS Instrument CDR 13 UCB, April 20, 2004 Instrument Interfaces Instrument interface protocols SST telemetry interface

14 THEMIS Instrument CDR 14 UCB, April 20, 2004 Processor Interfaces Processor interface protocols ETC command interface

15 THEMIS Instrument CDR 15 UCB, April 20, 2004 Processor Interfaces Processor interface protocols ETC telemetry interface

16 THEMIS Instrument CDR 16 UCB, April 20, 2004 Electrical Diagram

17 THEMIS Instrument CDR 17 UCB, April 20, 2004 Processor Requirements Table Loading 30 tables totaling 51 KBytes –4  - computed on board –12 distribution angle lookup tables - loaded from ground –4 exponential lookup tables - in EEPROM –6 energy lookup tables - loaded from ground Commanding 1 spacecraft potential command/spin Less frequent setup commands –Number of spins to collect data –Number of angles data is being binned into Maintaining collected data 13 DMA channels to mass memory Inserting headers into data

18 THEMIS Instrument CDR 18 UCB, April 20, 2004 Power Power estimation Actel 305mW + 2 SRAM (25mW/MHz) 50mW + Transceivers 20mW = 375mW

19 THEMIS Instrument CDR 19 UCB, April 20, 2004 Simulation GSE Design loaded into an Altera part along with a microprocessor allows quick runs with a minimal of support DCB/ETC Need GSE to produce data (ready) Need software to run the DCB Testing Plan

20 THEMIS Instrument CDR 20 UCB, April 20, 2004 Issues Difficulty in recognizing data errors Availability of instruments Actel reliability

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