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PARABLES L.O. To define the word Parable To understand why Jesus taught in parables To have an understanding of the teachings / messages of some of the.

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Presentation on theme: "PARABLES L.O. To define the word Parable To understand why Jesus taught in parables To have an understanding of the teachings / messages of some of the."— Presentation transcript:

1 PARABLES L.O. To define the word Parable To understand why Jesus taught in parables To have an understanding of the teachings / messages of some of the parables

2 Group activity Each group of 4 will now research ONE of Jesus’ parables and feed back your information to the class. You have only 15 minutes to do this

3 The Parable of the Prodigal / Lost son

4 The Parable of the Sower

5 The Parable of the wise and foolish builders

6 The Parable of the Good Samaritan

7 L.O. To define the word - Parable An earthly story with a heavenly meaning A story with a hidden message about God or heaven A story that teaches us the truth about God or how to please God A short story that teaches a moral or spiritual lesson by comparing it to something from everyday life.

8 L.O. To understand why Jesus taught in parables To make a point in a clear uncomplicated way Because people remember stories Because people like listening to stories and can work out the meanings for themselves. Because people would be able to understand the meaning behind things that were familiar to them. Many people were uneducated but everyone can appreciate a story

9 How to evaluate your understanding  Red I did not really understand the lesson today. I don’t really think that I met the objectives of the lesson or completed the question for learning.  Amber I understood some of the lesson today but there were parts of the learning that I did not really understand and I need help on. Green I understood the question for learning to day and feel confident about what I have been taught. I believe that I learnt everything I needed to in the lesson R Reflection You should write at least two sentences replying to the QfL and explaining what you did and didn’t understand about today’s lesson or learning intention. T Target You should set yourself targets based on the QfL and what you are trying to learn. These should only be about your learning.

10 Home work Due in February 12th Create a story board / persuasive poster to illustrate and explain ONE of Jesus’ parable

11 Parables - Teachings Which parable teaches us to: Be forgiving? The Lost son Not to make judgements or be prejudiced? The Good Samaritan Use Jesus’ words on which to build our lives? The wise and foolish builders Act on Jesus’ words and unselfishly help others to understand God The parable of the Sower

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