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. 1 Property regimes in the context of multi-level biodiversity governance Decision-making over the forest management in protected areas in Slovak Republic.

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Presentation on theme: ". 1 Property regimes in the context of multi-level biodiversity governance Decision-making over the forest management in protected areas in Slovak Republic."— Presentation transcript:

1 . 1 Property regimes in the context of multi-level biodiversity governance Decision-making over the forest management in protected areas in Slovak Republic PhD meeting – Bratislava 3.6.2009 Sonja Trifunovova, PhD student

2 Sonja Trifunovová, PhD student Institute for Forecasting Slovak Academy of Sciences Multi-level biodiversity governance Concept emerged from studies on EU integration as a new wave of thinking about EU as one political system Multi-level governance- governance dispersed across multiple jurisdictions governance = increased interdependence between governments and non-governmental actors at various territorial levels (Bache and Flinders 2004)

3 Sonja Trifunovová, PhD student Institute for Forecasting Slovak Academy of Sciences The EU theoretically became “complex and very dynamic polity in which decision- making powers are shared between different vertical tiers of authority (supranational, national, subnational)” (Jordan A. 2001) However, normative stance prevails : - MLG more effective than central state monopoly - Biodiversity can successfully be maintained by such complex, multi-layered governance systems

4 Sonja Trifunovová, PhD student Institute for Forecasting Slovak Academy of Sciences Challenge for new EU member states? Jehlička & Tickle (2004) have recognized more passive approach of these countries in EU environmental policy-making, due to previous 'top- down' imposition of EU requirements, which came to be the leading framework of their environmental policy.

5 Sonja Trifunovová, PhD student Institute for Forecasting Slovak Academy of Sciences Effects - Low level of participation -> conflicts over management of forests inside protected areas -> research interest: role of property regimes ?

6 Sonja Trifunovová, PhD student Institute for Forecasting Slovak Academy of Sciences Theory 1- Inductive Approach 2- Concept of Institutional Interplay and Change

7 Sonja Trifunovová, PhD student Institute for Forecasting Slovak Academy of Sciences Methodology Qualitative Interviews, Ethnographic Research CPR Games in SR (in part)

8 Sonja Trifunovová, PhD student Institute for Forecasting Slovak Academy of Sciences Cooperatives “urbariats” - Common type of property - The size of owned land differs among cooperatives and within cooperatives - Benefits shared - Costs: maintenance of forest

9 Sonja Trifunovová, PhD student Institute for Forecasting Slovak Academy of Sciences Property and use rights changed over the time Reconstruction of Slovak case Austro-Hungarian Kingdom Socialism (establishment of national park) Post-socialism Reconstruction of Serbian Case Austro-Hungarian Kingdom Socialism (establishment of national park) Post-socialism

10 Sonja Trifunovová, PhD student Institute for Forecasting Slovak Academy of Sciences Interviews How do they make their choices over forest management? Interviews suggest that… (data still under process!) - important role of power relationships - size of owned forest play role - costs burden - emotional attachment

11 Sonja Trifunovová, PhD student Institute for Forecasting Slovak Academy of Sciences Thank you!

12 Sonja Trifunovová, PhD student Institute for Forecasting Slovak Academy of Sciences References: Bache I, Fliders M. 2004. Themes and issues in multi- level governance. In Multi-level Governance, Bache I, Flinders M (eds). Oxford University Press: New York, pp 1-11. Fairbrass J, Jordan A. 2001. Protecting biodiversity in the European Union: national barriers and European opportunities? Journal of European Public Policy 8: 499- 518. Jehlička P, Tickle A. 2004. Environmental Implications of Eastern Enlargement: The end of progressive EU Environmental Policy? Environmental Politics 13: 77-95.

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