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Introduction to Transportation Systems. PART III: TRAVELER TRANSPORTATION.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Transportation Systems. PART III: TRAVELER TRANSPORTATION."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Transportation Systems


3 Chapter 27: Deterministic Queuing

4 Deterministic QueuingApplied to Traffic Lights Here we introduce the concept of deterministic queuing at an introductory level and then apply this concept to setting of traffic lights.

5 Deterministic Queuing –In the first situation, we consider λ(t), the arrival rate, and μ(t), the departure rate, as –deterministic. Deterministic Arrival and Departure Rates

6 Deterministic Queuing Deterministic Arrival and Departure Rates (continued) Figure 27.1

7 Queuing Diagram Figure 27.2 Cumulative Arrivals available capacity for departure maximum queue = 500 available capacity for departure

8 Another Case Now, the numbers were selected to make this simple; at the end of four hours the system is empty. The queue dissipated exactly at the end of four hours. But for example, suppose vehicles arrive at the rate of 1,250/hour from t=3 to t=4.

9 Another Queuing Diagram CLASS DISCUSSION What is the longest queue in this system? What is the longest individual waiting time? Figure 27.3 available capacity for departure Cumulative Arrivals available capacity for departure

10 Computing Total Delay Area Between Input and Output Curves Cumulative Time (Hours)

11 Choosing Capacity μ (t) = 2000 μ (t) = 1500 μ (t) = 500 CLASS DISCUSSION

12 A Traffic Light as a Deterministic Queue Service Rate and Arrival Rate at Traffic Light Service Rate μ(t) Time Arrival Rate λ Figure 27.5

13 Queuing Diagram per Traffic Light Cumulative Arrivals Arrival at Rateλ Service at Rateμ Time Figure 27.6

14 Queue Stability All the traffic must be dissipated during thegreen cycle. »If R + G = C (the cycle time), »then λ(R + t 0 ) = μt 0. »Rearranging t0 = »If we define (the “traffic intensity”), »Then »For stability

15 Delay at a Traffic Signal -- Considering One Direction The total delay per cycle is d

16 Two Direction Analysis of Traffic Light Flows in East-West and North-South Directions Figure 27.7

17 where We can write similar expressions for D2, D3, D4. We want to minimize DT, the total delay, where

18 Choosing an Optimum Remembering that we want to minimize D T where To obtain the optimal R1, we differentiate the expression for total delay with respect to R1 (theonly unknown) and set that equal to zero.

19 Try a Special Case Therefore, The result, then, is This makes sense. If the flows are equal, we would expect the optimal design choice is to split the cycle in half in the two directions.

20 The text goes through some further mathematical derivations of other cases for the interested student.

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