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Erasmus+ AK2 “The Realities That We Are Blinded to But Can Save Our Lives” ERASMUS+ KA2 STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP Electromagnetic radiations.

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Presentation on theme: "Erasmus+ AK2 “The Realities That We Are Blinded to But Can Save Our Lives” ERASMUS+ KA2 STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP Electromagnetic radiations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Erasmus+ AK2 “The Realities That We Are Blinded to But Can Save Our Lives” ERASMUS+ KA2 STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP Electromagnetic radiations

2 You're probably wondering what the electromagnetic radiation is, am I right ? Well… Electromagnetic radiation is a form of radiant energy released by certain electromagnetic processes. Also called “electromagnetic radiation” because they radiate from electrically charged particles.

3 These kinds of energies include: Radio Waves (For radio, but also phone/Wi-Fi etc.) TV waves Radar waves Ultraviolet Light (This is what causes Sunburns) X-rays (Just like the kind you get at the doctor's office) Microwaves, like in a microwave oven

4 Why is it dangerous to stay under those radiations ? After many experiments on animals, such as rats, it is demonstrated that electromagnetic radiations (EMR) causes to structural changes in the frontal cortex, brain stem and cerebellum and impair the oxidative stress. This deterioration can cause to disease including loss of these areas function and cancer development.

5 How can WE prevent those radiations ? Grounding the body as well as using key foods and supplements improves resiliency to EMFs. Earthing is an excellent practice to ward off the harmful effects of electromagnetic fields. Simply stand barefoot on a dewy patch of grass or walk along a sandy beach for at least ten minutes each day. Also …

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