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Chapter 3 6 th grade Science. Reproduction There are two types of reproduction – Asexual – one parent passes inherited traits to its offspring. Offspring.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 3 6 th grade Science. Reproduction There are two types of reproduction – Asexual – one parent passes inherited traits to its offspring. Offspring."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 3 6 th grade Science

2 Reproduction There are two types of reproduction – Asexual – one parent passes inherited traits to its offspring. Offspring are identical! – Sexual Reproduction - two parents pass on inherited traits to their offspring. Offspring are not identical! An organisms inherited traits and their environment shape an individuals characteristics Learned traits are not passed from parents to offspring

3 Heredity The passing along of traits from parents to their offspring is called ____________. Parents and offspring_______________ each other because of the traits that they have in common. Parents and offspring are not _______________ but their basic pattern is the same. Example: an oak tree will grow from an acorn. A maple tree will not grow from an acorn. All organisms _______________ traits. ____________________ also affects characteristics of an individual. Example: tree height Organisms also have traits that they did not _______ such as talents - these traits are _____________ traits exact resemble heredity inherit Environment inherit learned

4 Asexual Reproduction All species need to reproduce in order to survive The __________ that help a parent survive in its environment can be passed to offspring so that they can live successfully and reproduce. In __________________ reproduction, offspring come from a single parent by mitosis. The offspring will have the same _______ as the parent. In asexual reproduction the offspring is ___________ to the parents There are three types of asexual reproduction: – ______________ - a parent cell splits to produce two offspring (Example – bacteria) – ______________ - a cell in the parents body produces a small version of itself. Many buds can come from a single parent – _______________- when conditions are right a spore can produce many spores at the same time. (Example – mold) traits asexual DNA identical fission budding spores

5 Sea Stars Some sea stars can reproduce asexually by forming new individuals from body parts Some oyster fishers captured sea stars and chopped them up to protect their oysters. Fishers threw the pieces of the sea stars back into the water. Many of the sea stars grew into new individuals. The problem got worse because there were more sea stars than before.

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