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HYBRID INSTRUCTION IN RURAL AREAS Leecy Wise, Reconnection Company

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1 HYBRID INSTRUCTION IN RURAL AREAS Leecy Wise, Reconnection Company

2  Background experiences in delivering hybrid instruction.  College students (ESL/Freshman English prep)  College instructors (All disciplines)  Adult education instructors (Professional Development)  High school students (Spanish I and II)  Challenges faced with different populations.  Success/Strategy features developed.  Best practices using different delivery tools.


4  Resistance to change  Connecting to the screen  Monitor views  Limited communication choices  Reverse empty-nest syndrome

5  More training for off-site facilitators  Elimination of self-monitor  Email accounts and carriers  Visits to off-site classes

6  Resistance to change  Perception of “distant”  Lack of training to engage distant students  Fear of machine replacement  Fear of technology  Cheat fear  Fear of class distribution among campuses  Empty-nest syndrome

7  Faculty Handbook  Intensive training and practice w/ paid release time  Supervised instruction  Visits to off-site classes


9  Hybrid graduate credit courses did not work.  Online courses did not work. (Moodle)  Onsite workshops had limited success.

10  Short and sweet Elluminate Lunch and Learn sessions with PD hours.  Lots of reminders through state listserv and Tech Beat publication.   Email and phone support  CCCOnline undergraduate courses. (LIA certification.


12  Meet once a week  Lab three days with computer program  All instructions and resources online  Class site and blog  Email  Hot Potatoes  Power Point content slides  Additional Web resources: games, pronunciation, images (picture dictionaries), Google Earth

13  Resistance to new format  Limited connectivity  Undeveloped independent study skills  Literacy gaps  Lack of adequate lab supervision  “Excused” absences  4-day week  Attitude toward foreign languages  The teenage “thing”

14  Daily instructions  Letter to families  Graded daily work  Labels on everything  Permission from principle for late work  Copies of everything to lab facilitator  Personal blogs  Audio clips  Assign role of learning to students  Virtual visits with reports in English








22  Train participants for different formats.  Put it in writing through different forms.  Provide accessible orientation or tutorials.  Make expectations perfectly clear.  Make assessment criteria perfectly clear.  Assess, assess, assess..  Performance.  Technology.  Provide constant feedback/rewards.  Insert an onsite visit if possible.

23  Discussion is essential with lots of monitoring and clear expectations.  Click, click, click.  Reflection is highly encouraged.  Emails must be active and available.  Daily or frequent Internet access is required.  Rubrics are highly encouraged.  Flexible but not self-paced.

24  Interaction is critical.  Rubrics are highly encouraged.  Have plans A-Z.  Train monitors/facilitators and participants.  Assign a student contact point.

25  Use time to mentor and model skills that students can access otherwise.  Model and provide practice in study skills.  Check, check, check.  Model and practice study skills.  Vary interaction every five minutes.  Assess during some sessions.

26  Set up personal and class blogs.  Provide permissions and feeds as desired.  Post assignment instructions in class blogs.  Have students post assignments in their blogs.  Invite students to interact with each others’ content.

27  Check Web access and installed programs.  Require a trained lab monitor.  Install needed applications, such as Google Earth and other learning applications.  Have online quizzes monitored.


29  Learning is invisible. We only know it’s happening by the changes it produces.  Let’s not look for change in only one place.  As we learn, they learn..  in their way,  in their time,  at their pace.

30 Leecy Wise, Reconnection Company

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