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Using PCM, ISO and CAF to ensure quality in Lithuanian EQUAL and ESF Programme management and organisational development Jurgita Šakalytė ESF Agency, LITHUANIA.

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Presentation on theme: "Using PCM, ISO and CAF to ensure quality in Lithuanian EQUAL and ESF Programme management and organisational development Jurgita Šakalytė ESF Agency, LITHUANIA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using PCM, ISO and CAF to ensure quality in Lithuanian EQUAL and ESF Programme management and organisational development Jurgita Šakalytė ESF Agency, LITHUANIA Open Days, October 9, 2008, Brussels

2 PCM under EQUAL and the new ESF. Organisational development through ISO and CAF. Role of the Quality management network. Overview

3 EQUAL management teams in the Ministry and in the National Support Structure got familiar with PCM. The scope of action for innovations under each thematic priority in our Operational Programme for EQUAL described. Main problems in relation to the labour market and indicated possible activities that could be funded under EQUAL presented. PCM under EQUAL – what we have done? (1)

4 PCM under EQUAL – what we have done? (2) We have requested from all Development Partnership to apply the PCM methodology in the planning phase. We have supported the application of PCM by all Development Partnerships by providing them with the same teams of facilitators with whom we did the problem tree analysis at programme level. The Development Partnerships had to perform self evaluation constantly.

5 PCM under EQUAL – what we have done? (3) Translated the EQUAL toolkit (simplified version) into Lithuanian. Assisted all Development Partnerships in applying the method by training facilitators for PCM; Established an internet consultancy managed by the national facilitator.

6 Prepared manual for application of PCM methodology in the projects of social integration. Used aspects of PCM in the ESF application form. Organised trainings for ESF & ERF teams. PCM under ESF – what we have done?

7 ISO – an instrument to guarantee day-to-day quality. CAF – an instrument to prepare for the future. Development of quality management in Lithuanian ESF agency: from ISO to CAF

8 Application of CAF in ESFA: improvement activities and progress achieved Improvement of leadership: new organisational structure, Agency’s long term strategy, vision, values, mission were prepared. Staff motivation & internal communication plans. The instrument to manage project flows and workload. People management: staff survey regarding working climate conducted. Information management: Internet site is being updated. Resources management: Document management system installed.

9 Application of CAF in ESFA: improvement activities and progress achieved Improving processes: document sample check procedures prepared. Partnerships: good practice sharing and quality management networks arranged.

10 Quality management networking Peer mentoring events (Lithuania & Flanders): Vilnius, September, 2008 – sharing of good practice in applying CAF for the organisational improvement. Brussels, October, 2008 – practical aspects of Flemish ESF Quality system.

11 What benefits did we have from these Investments (PCM)? Application of PCM helped us, the programme managers, to better understand the specific social factors, and the cause- effect relations, which we intend to tackle in our programmes. It facilitates the assessment of the project applications. It helps the applicants in their planning phase through better initial problem perceptions, and to agree on a common problem view. It facilitates collaboration in defining feasible objectives and milestones, and in ensuring that the right partners are involved. Coherence between programme objectives and scope and the activities of the projects.

12 What benefits did we have from these Investments (ISO, CAF)? ISO helps to ensure day-to-day quality. CAF helps to develop the organisation as a whole.

13 Future plans To apply fully PCM in ESF projects. To continue applying ISO and CAF for organisational development. To apply ESF Quality system in Lithuania?

14 Thank you for your attention!

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