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LAND Speaks on Social Partnering Tyra Oldham, PhD, MBA President of LAND, “Green Engineering Firm” (E) (P) 513.617.9464 (W)

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Presentation on theme: "LAND Speaks on Social Partnering Tyra Oldham, PhD, MBA President of LAND, “Green Engineering Firm” (E) (P) 513.617.9464 (W)"— Presentation transcript:

1 LAND Speaks on Social Partnering Tyra Oldham, PhD, MBA President of LAND, “Green Engineering Firm” (E) (P) 513.617.9464 (W)

2 I Will Cover: Social Partnering Who I am is an environmental warrior for green, sustainability, alternative energy, energy efficiency and turning the world from gray to green LAND is a a green company that is multidisciplinary, collaborative, team-oriented and partner centric As President, social networking is a revolutionary, with developing norms and etiquette Social networks are enhanced by building online partnerships that can translate to real world strategies Moving forward, think of social networks as webs of connectivity

3 Who I Am I place importance on partnering and collaborative efforts to leverage knowledge, resources, learning and growth As a green entrepreneur social networks are important to connectivity, information access, and branding Businesses often operate as ant hills

4 A Snapshot Social Networks are dynamic, continuous, contiguous, adapting, active, potentially overlapping and engage as a web Partnerships build integrated connectivity A green entrepreneur connects to other greenees to build partnerships- “E-ships” ™ © E-ships cross communicate and push an exponential potential for unlimited contact Become a “Hub” within your web

5 Demo or Screenshot Social Networking is a dynamic progressively action-oriented activity Generate continuous information that is organic opening opportunities to be heard when: –Relevant –Related –Responsive As a Green entrepreneur, I seek to share our vision of greening, sustainability, design, construction, consulting and construction management in alternative energy and efficiency solutions for cities, businesses, governments, residences and green seekers globally and nationally, Social networks are natural.

6 Customer Example LAND partnered with ArnoldIT and The Seed 2020 to push cross traffic, ideas and information that support all involved! Seed 2020 video which links to YouTube POSTING: “Dr. Tyra Oldham is an partner. She notified us on February 7, ArnoldIt of some news. She has rolled out a new Web site. You can see Dr. Oldham on our video and learn about her management and engineering services work at LAND Construct. snapshot here: Dr. Tyra Oldham, President, LAND Construct, an engineering services firm and partner. Point your browser to A happy quack to her.” ArnoldIT.com

7 Benefits of Working in Partnerships In partnerships the social experience is expansive Fun Cross communication Support diverse data points and interests Build brand for all the partners E-ships build a dynamic web Open opportunity for impact Shared resources for a collective good!

8 Moving Forward Generate a Social Networking Social Sphere – “Web” of connectivity Be willing to partner Experience online social relationship Connectivity is key “E-ships”© Generate dynamic Social webbing for impact Cross connect to others for linkages Build brand Practice continuous improvement to message forward Big Step: Take on-line relationships into the real-world

9 Contact Information TYRA OLDHAM, PhD, MBA LAND Blog: Twitter: LANDonGreen

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