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The Geometry of Complex Numbers Section 9.1. Remember this?

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Presentation on theme: "The Geometry of Complex Numbers Section 9.1. Remember this?"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Geometry of Complex Numbers Section 9.1

2 Remember this?

3 Complex Numbers  * z = x + yi  * C represents the set of complex numbers Real part (RE) Imaginary part (IM)

4 Complex Plane

5 Example 1  Find the polar coordinates [r, θ] of -8 + 11i with r ≥ 0 and 360˚≤ θ ≤ 720˚  Rectangular coordinate: (-8, 11) 2 nd quadrant! r = or 13.60 θ = -53.97˚ + 180˚+360˚ [13.6, 486.03˚]

6 Trigonometric Form  If (x, y) = [r, θ] r is called the modulus, will ALWAYS be positive θ is called the argument  Then, x = rcos θ and y = rsin θ  Substituting back in…  x + yi  rcos θ + (rsin θ)i r(cos θ + i sin θ)

7 Example 2  Write the complex number 6 + 6i in trigonometric form. (6,6)  1 st quadrant r = or 8.49 θ = π/4 [8.49, π/4]  8.49 (cos π/4 + i sin π/4)

8 Multiplying Complex Numbers  If z = [r, θ] and w = [s, φ] then zw = [rs, θ + φ] Complex Conjugates: z = a + bi then z = a – bi

9 Example 3  Prove: complex numbers z, z – z is an imaginary number.  Let a + bi = z  Then, z = a – bi a + bi – (a – bi) a + bi – a + bi 2bi  Imaginary!

10 Example 4  Perform the indicated complex number operation and express the answer in the same form as the given numbers.

11 Homework Pages 526 – 527 3 – 9, 12 - 13

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