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Animal Farm By: George Orwell The historical context of the novel.

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Presentation on theme: "Animal Farm By: George Orwell The historical context of the novel."— Presentation transcript:

1 Animal Farm By: George Orwell The historical context of the novel.

2 Terms Capitalist System: –Free enterprise; if you work hard you can get ahead; start your own business and get rich, or lose it all. Socialist: – a person who wants to change society and its’ rules.

3 More Terms Communist System –Everyone works to their ability and receives to their needs; total economic equality; no one gets ahead-but no one starves either. Czarist Government –A government ruled y a Czar, who had absolute powers- like a king

4 Even more… Idealistic –Overly optimistic thinking. Everything will be GREAT! Totalitarianism –A one-party-rules- everything type of government.

5 The History In the 1800’s Capitalism was strong in Europe and America. –There were no child labor laws, labor constrictions, or salary laws. –Work day was 14 to 18 hours, and pay was barely livable.

6 The History In 1847 a group called the Communist League asked a German philosopher named Karl Marx to draw up a plan for their organization. –The Communist League hated the disparity between the classes. –Karl Marx produced a plan called The Manifesto of the Communist Party

7 The Manifesto Marx’s Vision: –Workers revolt in hopes for freedom. –Everyone works according to ability and you are paid according to your need. –Create worldwide economic equality.

8 After Marx The two communist groups: Group One: Socialist- wanted to bring about communism slowly by passing laws and spreading their message. Group Two: The Bolshevik Party- stuck to the idea of a major worker revolt. A small extremist party led by Nikolai Lenin.

9 Russia’s Czar Czar Nicholas II –The ruler of Russia –Poorly managed –Russian people were underpaid. –Most citizens worked for a small number of wealthy landowners. –Overthrown in 1917 by the Bolshevik Party

10 Bolshevik’s Lenin died in 1926. Two other leaders stepped up: –Leon Trotsky Believed in terrorism –Joseph Stalin Ruthless leader

11 Stalin takes Russia Stalin won a power struggle and Trotsky fled to Mexico. –Trotsky was later assassinated. Stalin was MEAN! –Stalin deported everyone that disagreed with him to Siberia. –He had secret police used random arrest, torture, and mass executions to keep his rule. They also prevented uprising from the people. Anyone could be killed at any time, for any reason.

12 Stalin’s Russia Things were worse than under the Czar. Marx’s idea of a paradise of equality was gone. There was NO freedom. Military ruled everything. People were FORCED to work. Few grew wealthy. Most lives were worse. This became a Totalitarian government.

13 Characters Representing Life Mankind = The Wealthy Rulers The Pigs = Communist The Horses = the working class The Dogs = Stalin’s army. Birds = Clergy, Farm owners, and non- workers

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