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Cell Organells. Cytoplasm Mitochondria Nucleus Centrioles Ribosomes Smooth ER Rough ER Nuclear Envelope Chromatin Golgi Bodies Cell Membrane.

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Presentation on theme: "Cell Organells. Cytoplasm Mitochondria Nucleus Centrioles Ribosomes Smooth ER Rough ER Nuclear Envelope Chromatin Golgi Bodies Cell Membrane."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cell Organells

2 Cytoplasm Mitochondria Nucleus Centrioles Ribosomes Smooth ER Rough ER Nuclear Envelope Chromatin Golgi Bodies Cell Membrane

3 Cytoplasm: Region between nucleus and the cell membrane. A clear, thick liquid Mitochondria: Power house of the cell. Where cellular respiration takes place Nucleus: Brain of the cell. Controls all cells activities. Surrounded by nuclear envelope Nucleolus: produces and packages components of a ribosome

4 Chromatin: DNA and protein. Hard drive of the cell Ribosomes: Produces proteins for inside the cell Centrioles: helps organize microtubules in cell division Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) Rough – with ribosomes, smooth – without ribosomes. Transfers proteins to vesicles

5 Cell Membrane – the gate of the cell. Allows what gets in and out of the cell. Golgi Bodies – Modifies ER products. Produces lysosomes. Carries substances outside of the cell. Lysosomes – digestive enzymes to break down old organelles


7 Plant Cells Cell Wall – structure and protection Chloroplast – Site for photosynthesis (make food) Large Water Vacuole – for structure and storage

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