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Rows of rabbits wait in cages, their heads tightly clamped in stocks to prevent movement. The lower lids of the rabbits’ eyes are pulled back. Technicians.

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Presentation on theme: "Rows of rabbits wait in cages, their heads tightly clamped in stocks to prevent movement. The lower lids of the rabbits’ eyes are pulled back. Technicians."— Presentation transcript:


2 Rows of rabbits wait in cages, their heads tightly clamped in stocks to prevent movement. The lower lids of the rabbits’ eyes are pulled back. Technicians drip nail polish remover, mascara, shampoo and everything else we use daily into their eyes, the chemicals stay there for days. The chemicals burn and often blind the animals. Picture this:

3 We work together and help the animals!


5 Millions of animals go under testing every day. They are dying or getting extremely sick because of all these tests.

6 How animals are treated in the labs The products we use every day that are tested on animals What we can do to stop animal testing? - Actions we can take - Alternative solutions A video

7 o More than 14 million rats and mice and more than 1.4 millions of other mammals are used in research every year. o Scientific research experiments are done on animals so that humans will ultimately suffer less.

8 o Small animals are kept in clear or white plastic boxes. Larger animals like dogs, cats and primates live in wire cages. o During experiments some animals are given medicine so that they don’t feel pain or distress but thousands are not




12 o Donate body tissue left over after an operation or birth. o After you die make sure it is stated that you want to donate your organs like your brain o Leave your body to medical research


14 1. Using blood from human volunteers to test for the presence of fever causing contaminants. 2. EpiSkin and SkinEthic each composed of artificial human skin can save thousands of rabbits each year from irritation tests. 3. Permeability tests, uses eyes from animals slaughtered for the meat industry to detect chemicals and products that are severely irritating to the eyes.

15 Computer Modeling: That is using computers for biology classes when it comes to the dissections. Medical schools are starting to use this.

16 01kpM

17 I would like to recap once again my call for all of you….

18 Millions of animals suffer and die each day due to animal testing.

19 "Background on Animal Testing." Do Something. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Apr. 2013 Phillips, Tazi. "Did You Know? Household Items Tested On Animals." Global Animal. N.p., 29 Apr. 2012. Web. 04 Apr. 2013. "HELP STOP ANIMAL TESTING - DONATE YOUR SPAREBODY TISSUE." Animal Rights Action. Susan Donaldson, n.d. Web. 04 Apr. 2013. "Alternatives to Animal Tests : The Humane Society of the United States." RSS. N.p., 8 Feb. 2013. Web. 04 Apr. 2013 "Alternatives to Animal Testing - Solutions." YouTube. YouTube, 24 Nov. 2009. Web. 04 Apr. 2013. Animal Testing: Companies That DO Test on Animals." Animal Testing: Companies That DO Test on Animals. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Apr. 2013.

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