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1. Hardness - resistance to scratching Diamond - hardest natural substance.

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2 1. Hardness - resistance to scratching Diamond - hardest natural substance

3 2. Elasticity - ability to be stretched & return to its original size FYI - solids are more elastic than liquids & gases

4 3. Brittleness - a material’s tendency to shatter

5 4. Malleability - ability to be pounded into sheets

6 5. Tensile Strength - how much pulling or stretching a material can w/stand before breaking

7 What is a fluid? A “fluid” is any substance that can flow. This includes both liquids & gases. Gas = Liquid

8 1.Density- 1.Density- the amount of matter in a particular space or volume -the heaviness of a substance ex. 1 L of sand is more dense than 1L of water is more dense than 1L or oxygen

9 With density, an increase in volume results in density decrease EXCEPTION: water is less dense as a solid Particles spread outParticles spread out

10 2. Buoyancy - measure of upward force a fluid exerts on an object

11 Buoyant force is = to weight of the fluid displaced FLOAT if b.f. > weight SINK if b.f. < weight NEUTRAL BUOYANCY if b.f. = weight Click next slide to play Titanic Clip (5:36)

12 3. Viscosity - measures a fluid’s resistance to flow iscosity = slow flow (ketchup, honey) high viscosity = slow flow (ketchup, honey) viscosity = fast flow (water) low viscosity = fast flow (water)

13 Can viscosity be altered? –YLiquid: an increase in temperature LOWERS viscosity ES! Factors that affect viscosity are: Temperature –Gas: increase temperature INCREASES viscosity

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