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Bridge to College February 11, 2016. Cloning Cloning human Cloning human beings has been a hot topic of debate over the last few decades. This debate.

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Presentation on theme: "Bridge to College February 11, 2016. Cloning Cloning human Cloning human beings has been a hot topic of debate over the last few decades. This debate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bridge to College February 11, 2016

2 Cloning Cloning human Cloning human beings has been a hot topic of debate over the last few decades. This debate became even more heated after the first adult animal was cloned, producing Dolly the sheep. Everyone asked, “Are humans next?” Those who are in favor of human cloning argue that cloning could work miracles and improve people’s lives. Infertile couples wishing to have a baby could increase their chances of pregnancy; diseases like Alzheimer’s and cancer could be cured by using stem cells harvested from cloned human embryos; or it may even be possible to clone a loved one that has been lost to us. Those who oppose human cloning fear the ethical and moral questions that will have to be answered, and how the technology will be used. In the article you read, entitled “Here Kitty-kitty-kitty-kitty,” many of the arguments for and against the cloning of animals were posed. In class, different perspectives on the issue of both reproductive and therapeutic cloning were discussed. Imagine that a bill has just come up in the U.S. Senate that would allow the use of taxpayer money to fund both therapeutic and reproductive cloning research of all animals including humans. Your task is to write an argumentative paper on cloning Explain your reasons using current research or articles to support your views. You should cite evidence from the article(s) you read, from what you have learned about genetics

3 Cloning Take a position on Cloning (Pro) All aspects of cloning is an important scientific discovery and should be encouraged and lawful in the United States. (Con) Cloning is scientific discovery that should be restricted and not supported or funded in the United States. What is your position?

4 Cloning Now that you have a position statement Come up with three reasons you have this position 1. 2. 3. Fill in your graphic organizer

5 Articles – Group work In small groups (3 maximum) of like minded peers Read the articles mark the text – what are the claims and evidence What evidence can you use to support your argument? Now find a peer that is not like minded. Discuss with the peer their position (counter argument)

6 Cloning – Graphic Organizer Using the articles provided Pre-write your argumentative essay on Cloning Incorporate all the evidence you have collected Cite the evidence correctly (we will be creating Work Cited) You have the remaining time in class to complete the graphic organizer. You will be writing the essay on Wednesday, February 17 th – timed, in class

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