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The rapper who is Smac-full of energy!. Energy is the ability to do WORK. WORK is to make something MOVE by applying FORCE to it. There are 9 Forms of.

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Presentation on theme: "The rapper who is Smac-full of energy!. Energy is the ability to do WORK. WORK is to make something MOVE by applying FORCE to it. There are 9 Forms of."— Presentation transcript:

1 The rapper who is Smac-full of energy!

2 Energy is the ability to do WORK. WORK is to make something MOVE by applying FORCE to it. There are 9 Forms of Energy.

3 The 9 Forms of Energy can be remembered using this acronym: “SM”AC G. HELMS

4 STORED MECHANICAL ENERGY is the energy stored in an object by the application of a force. Examples of Stored Mechanical energy include a stretched rubber band and a jack-in-the-box.

5 ATOMIC ENERGY is the energy generated when the NUCLEUS of ATOMS join together or split apart. “SM”AC G. HELMS Atomic Energy gives the Sun its energy (fusion). It is also the energy used in atomic bombs. Nuclear power plants produce electricity by splitting Uranium atoms (fission).

6 Burning chemicals in fuel to make heat Using chemicals stored in batteries to operate a toy Digestion of chemicals found in food to give living things energy (chemical energy is potential energy because it is stored energy). “SM”AC G. HELMS CHEMICAL ENERGY the energy stored in matter that is released during a chemical change.

7 “SM”AC G. HELMS Gravitational Energy is the energy of position or place. A rock at the top of a hill has gravitational potential energy.

8 HEAT ENERGY the energy that is related to heat and the temperature of matter. The faster the particles move the more heat/THERMAL energy is generated. “SM”AC G. HELMS HEAT

9 ELECTRICAL ENERGY the energy of electrically charged matter. Electrical energy moves through wires and is transferred into other forms of energy so we can use it in radios, TVs, lights and all electrical appliances. These electrically charged particles also generate the electricity in lightning. “SM”AC G. HELMS

10 LIGHT ENERGY the energy caused by the vibration of electrically charged atoms. Light energy is often called radiant energy. Light/radiant energy includes visible light, sunlight, electrical lights; and some light you cannot see: x-rays, microwaves and ultraviolet light (UV rays). “SM”AC G. HELMS

11 MECHANICAL ENERGY-energy of things in motion. “SM”AC G. HELMS Cars have mechanical energy because they use gasoline (chemical potential) to make them move (mechanical kinetic).

12 SOUND ENERGY the energy from the vibration of an object. A guitar string vibrates to make sound. Vocal chords vibrate make sound. These vibrations cause the air particles to vibrate. The vibrating air particles vibrate against our eardrum allowing you to hear sound. “SM”AC G. HELMS

13 ALL 9 Forms of Energy can be either POTENTIAL OR KINETIC A guitar string being pulled back is stored mechanical energy (potential). When the guitar string is released, it is changed to sound energy (kinetic).

14 A CHANGE in one type of energy to another is called an ENERGY CONVERSION Conversion also means transformation

15 Turn your paper over and write the acronym. -> Now see if you can name all 9 forms of energy by using the acronym. Did you notice that “SM”AC G. stands for the potential forms of energy and HELMS stands for the kinetic forms of energy? SM A C G H E L M S Stored Mechanical Atomic (nuclear) Chemical Gravitational Heat (thermal) Electrical Light (radiant) Mechanical Sound

16 7 Forms of Energy

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