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MO’s for Cyclobutadiene

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1 MO’s for Cyclobutadiene

2 Energy Diagram for Cyclobutadiene
Following Hund’s rule, two electrons are in separate orbitals. This diradical would be very reactive =>

3 Polygon Rule The energy diagram for an annulene has the same shape as the cyclic compound with one vertex at the bottom. =>

4 Aromatic Requirements
Structure must be cyclic with conjugated pi bonds. Each atom in the ring must have an unhybridized p orbital. The p orbitals must overlap continuously around the ring. (Usually planar structure) Compound is more stable than its open-chain counterpart =>

5 Anti- and Nonaromatic Antiaromatic compounds are cyclic, conjugated, with overlapping p orbitals around the ring, but the energy of the compound is greater than its open-chain counterpart. Nonaromatic compounds do not have a continuous ring of overlapping p orbitals and may be nonplanar =>

6 Hückel’s Rule If the compound has a continuous ring of overlapping p orbitals and has 4N + 2 electrons, it is aromatic. If the compound has a continuous ring of overlapping p orbitals and has 4N electrons, it is antiaromatic =>

7 [N]Annulenes [4]Annulene is antiaromatic (4N e-’s)
[8]Annulene would be antiaromatic, but it’s not planar, so it’s nonaromatic. [10]Annulene is aromatic except for the isomers that are not planar. Larger 4N annulenes are not antiaromatic because they are flexible enough to become nonplanar =>

8 MO Derivation of Hückel’s Rule
Lowest energy MO has 2 electrons. Each filled shell has 4 electrons. =>

9 Cyclopentadienyl Ions
The cation has an empty p orbital, 4 electrons, so antiaromatic. The anion has a nonbonding pair of electrons in a p orbital, 6 e-’s, aromatic. =>

10 Acidity of Cyclopentadiene
pKa of cyclopentadiene is 16, much more acidic than other hydrocarbons. =>

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