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Early Adulthood, 19 - 40 Physical development: basically complete Most productive life stage Prime childbearing time; produces the healthiest babies. Sexual.

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Presentation on theme: "Early Adulthood, 19 - 40 Physical development: basically complete Most productive life stage Prime childbearing time; produces the healthiest babies. Sexual."— Presentation transcript:

1 Early Adulthood, 19 - 40 Physical development: basically complete Most productive life stage Prime childbearing time; produces the healthiest babies. Sexual development is at its peak. Mental development: Independence, career choices, lifestyle, spouse, starting a family, values, etc.

2 Early Adulthood Emotional development: subjected to many stressors - careers, marriage, family If strong, they can cope w/ change. Learn to accept criticism and to profit from mistakes. Social development: isolation from peer groups and associate c/ others who have similar interest, regardless of age Interest in marriage and forming a family.

3 Erikson’s Eight States of Psychosocial Development Stage of Development: Young Adult Basic Conflict: Intimacy vs. Isolation Major Life Event: Love Relationships Ways to Resolve Conflict: Learn to make personal commitment to others and share life events; if self-identity is lacking, the adult may fear relationships and isolate self from others.

4 Middle Adulthood 40 – 65 y/o Physical: body starts decline, females experience menopause Mental: can continue to increase have experienced a lot so they are more confident with making decisions Emotional: can be a period of contentment and satisfaction, or it can be a time of crisis: midlife crisis Social: family relationships decline, while work relationships replace family, divorce rises b/c children are grown

5 Erikson’s Eight States of Psychosocial Development Stage of Development: Middle Adult Basic Conflict: Generativity vs. Stagnation Major Life Event: Parenting Ways to Resolve Conflict: Seek satisfaction and obtains success in life by using career, family, and civic interests to provide for the next generation; if adult does not deal with life issues, he/she feels lack of purpose to life and sense failure.

6 Late Adulthood – 65+ Physical: all body systems decline, mm lose tone (strength, posture, & bladder), hearing/memory/ hair loss, but all slowly over time Mental: people who are willing to learn new things show fewer signs of decrease mental ability Emotional: varies, some cope well with aging, others become lonely, frustrated, withdrawn, and depressed Social: retirement, more limited circle of friends usually occurs

7 Erikson’s Eight States of Psychosocial Development Stage of Development: Older Adult Basic Conflict: Ego Integrity vs. Despair Major Life Event: Reflection and Acceptance of Life Ways to Resolve Conflict: Reflects on life in a positive manner, feels fulfillment with his/her own life and accomplishments, deals with losses and prepares for death; if fulfillment is not felt, adult feels despair about life and fear of death.

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