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Math in YA Literature A Wrinkle in Time Introduction.

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1 Math in YA Literature A Wrinkle in Time Introduction

2 A Wrinkle in Time Madeleine L’Engle  4 days to read 203 pages  We will cover about 50 pages each day  Assignments & assessments:  Character/math (CM) log 20 pts  3 in-class assignments @ 5 pts 15 pts  3 homework assignments @ 5 pts 15 pts  1 written quiz 10 pts  Final project 40 pts  TOTAL100 pts

3 In-Class Assignment 1  Your group will be assigned to research a certain topic related to A Wrinkle in Time and prepare a short/informal 2-3 minute presentation for the class with the information you gathered  All group members must speak in order for everyone to earn their 5 points for today!

4 Topic List 1. The author (Madeleine L’Engle) 2. The genre (sci-fi) 3. Overview of the book  Very basic…no spoilers! 4. Awards for the book 5. Reviews of the book  What are the general feelings towards the book? Specific quotes from critics are good, too!

5 Activity  Read the first 3 pages of the book on your own  Discuss with your group about your initial reactions  Are you confused about anything?  What questions do you have?  What do you think about the writing style?  Are you interested yet?

6 Homework  Read pages 6-52 (stop before chapter 4)  Complete homework assignment 1  Write a 2-3 paragraph reflection on your reading so far  Have there been any mentions of math?  What do you think about the book so far?  Begin to fill in your CM log  You will update this over the next few days  Helps you keep track of character qualities and math references

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