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Java Script Programming. Review: Event Handling Text Box Title: Button.

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Presentation on theme: "Java Script Programming. Review: Event Handling Text Box Title: Button."— Presentation transcript:

1 Java Script Programming

2 Review: Event Handling Text Box Title: Button

3 JavaScript Adds programming to web pages Performing calculations –Totaling the price or computing sales tax Verifying data –Credit cards Adapting the display to user needs

4 Basic JavaScript Everything inside is a program We can use variables and expressions –Pay = payRate*hours We can write and reuse our own functions

5 What are the variable names? HTML Form Widgets Demo Title: US Citizen: Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Type your address here. red yellow

6 What are the variable names? HTML Form Widgets Demo Title: US Citizen: Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Type your address here. red yellow All the same name

7 Functions A function is a piece of computation that takes 1 or more arguments (data) and returns a value In Javascript, you can make functions yourself, and there are also predefined functions.

8 Creating your functions Tell the browser that you are going to write code. Use the tag

9 Functions To create a function function Name( parameterName,... ) {any JavaScript Code } To call a function –function Name(argument expression,... ) –Each argument is assigned to each parameter –The body { } of the function is executed.

10 An example function function pay(payRate,hours) { return payRate*hours; }

11 An example function function pay(payRate,hours) { return payRate*hours; } Variables

12 Function Demo function sayHello() { alert("Hello " + demoform.title.value) }

13 Putting Strings Together (concatenation) Use the “+” sign to put strings together. Demo

14 Functions with If and Else function evaluatePay() { if (demoform.totalPay.value < 100) { alert("You earn less than 100 dollars") } else { alert("You earn more than 100 dollars.") }

15 Functions with If and Else Demo

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