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Your school has entered an inter-school debating on the motion that ‘The internet is a bad thing’. You are a team that has been chosen to enter the debating.

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Presentation on theme: "Your school has entered an inter-school debating on the motion that ‘The internet is a bad thing’. You are a team that has been chosen to enter the debating."— Presentation transcript:

1 Your school has entered an inter-school debating on the motion that ‘The internet is a bad thing’. You are a team that has been chosen to enter the debating contest but at this moment you do not know whether you will be asked to argue for or against the motion. You and your team will therefore need to prepare arguments for both sides. You will probably want to decide how to organise and present your arguments. 2000 Set 11

2 In a debate Motion Government side / Affirmative side (speaking for the motion) Opposition side (speaking against the motion) Arguments for and against the motion

3 Points for ~ Pictures of violence and pornographic material can be easily accessed. ~ Playing with the computer only, young people will only have a small social circle. ~ Children are not mature enough so they cannot filter which materials are helpful to them. ~Their Emotional Quotient and co-operation skills will reduce. On the other hand, overuse of the computer may result in the neglect of other aspects of life. ~ Internet crimes: young people know how to make bombs or become a hacker. ~ If people surf the Internet, it is not good for their health e.g. headache and backache will develop. ~ Many services on the Internet such as buying food or electronic products from online stores need our personal information so there is little privacy and minimum security.

4 Points against ~ First hand information and worldwide knowledge can be obtained at some websites. ~ Music and songs can be downloaded. It helps reduce stress. ~ Making new friends through ICQ, email or newsgroup. ~The Internet can assist studies and increase work efficiency. ~ Internet shopping: it is convenient to purchase goods online ~ It can speed up economic growth and development. ~ People can access educational materials for academic purposes. ~ It encourages exchange of information, views and opinions.

5 How to present our arguments ~ List the advantages and disadvantages separately. ~ Ask teachers or experienced students for advice. ~ Organize points at 2 levels: individual and society.

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