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Simple Machines 4th Grade Science S4P3a.

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Presentation on theme: "Simple Machines 4th Grade Science S4P3a."— Presentation transcript:

1 Simple Machines 4th Grade Science S4P3a

2 S4P3a Students will identify simple machines and explain their uses
Lever Pulley Wedge Inclined plane Screw Wheel & Axle

3 What is a simple machine?
A simple machine is a tool that makes work easier. You use less force when you use some simple machines to get work done. Others change the direction of your force.

4 Lever A lever is a bar that moves on a fulcrum.
The fulcrum is the center point of a lever. You use a lever to lift or open things. Examples include a crowbar, broom, hammer, shovel, or bottle opener.

5 Inclined Plane An inclined plane is a simple machine with a sloped side. You use an inclined plane to move things to a higher place. Examples include a wheelchair ramp, sloped road, or playground slide

6 Wedge A wedge is an inclined plane with two sloped sides.
A wedge is used to split an object or give an outward push to a material. Examples include a knife, axe, fork, nail, or doorstop.

7 Screw A screw is an inclined plane that is wrapped around a center rod. You can use a screw to hold things together or move things. Examples include a swivel chair, base of a jar lid, lightbulb, or wood screw

8 Wheel & Axle A wheel and axle is a wheel with a rod attached to the center of it. You can use it for turning things. Examples include a doorknob, eggbeater, bicycle wheel, or steering wheel.

9 Pulley A pulley is a wheel with a rope around it.
You use a pulley for lifting or pulling things. Examples include a flagpole pulley, elevator pulley, window blinds, or a crane.

10 Quiz 1. The wheelbarrow makes work easier because the handles are part of a simple machine called _______________.

11 Quiz 2. A pulley is a simple machine that makes work easier by _____________.

12 Quiz 3. An axe can be used to split wood. The blade of the axe is a simple machine called ______________.

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