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Mental Map Any visual image in our brain to help us get around in our environment.

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Presentation on theme: "Mental Map Any visual image in our brain to help us get around in our environment."— Presentation transcript:


2 Mental Map Any visual image in our brain to help us get around in our environment

3 Physical Map A map that shows natural features like land and water forms

4 Relief Map A map that shows the elevation of the land through the use of color, symbols, or lines

5 Political Map A map that shows human made boundaries and features

6 Special Purpose Map It shows one particular subject or topic on a map Examples: road map and weather map




10 Scale It shows what distances on the map are equal to in reality on Earth

11 Key or Legend Part of a map that explains its symbols

12 Grid Pattern of crisscrossing lines to help us locate places on a map

13 Map Index Part of a map that tells where places are on the map using grid coordinates


15 Compass (Rose) Map feature that shows the directions on a map

16 Atlas A book of maps


18 Direction Point towards which something faces or a line along which it moves

19 Cartographer Someone who makes maps for a living

20 Projection An attempt to show the earth on a flat piece of paper





25 Elevation Height of something above sea level 3165 ft

26 Contour lines Lines that connect points on a map of equal elevation

27 Topography The science of representing surface features of a region on maps

28 GPS Global Positioning Systems: A system of satellites, computers, and receivers that is able to determine a receivers latitude and longitude

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