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Agenda  1. Warm-Up  2. Regional Atlas  3. Discuss “The Land- North Africa/Middle East”  H.W. #1, 3-5 pg. 426.

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Presentation on theme: "Agenda  1. Warm-Up  2. Regional Atlas  3. Discuss “The Land- North Africa/Middle East”  H.W. #1, 3-5 pg. 426."— Presentation transcript:

1 Agenda  1. Warm-Up  2. Regional Atlas  3. Discuss “The Land- North Africa/Middle East”  H.W. #1, 3-5 pg. 426

2 Warm-Up  1. What type of people does ISIS recruit and why are they willing to fight for ISIS?  2. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said we should “judge someone by the content of their character, not the color of their skin”. What do you think he meant by this.

3 The Land Middle East and North Africa

4 Sea and Peninsulas  Mediterranean Sea separates Europe & Africa  Red Sea & Gulf of Aden separates Africa & SW Asia  Black Sea, Dead Sea, Caspian Sea (largest inland body of water on earth) saltwater, East of Med.  Aral Sea until 1960’s 4 th largest inland sea, supported fishing

5 Rivers  Egypt's Nile River (4,160 mi.) worlds longest  90%+ of Egypt's pop. live along Nile Delta (3% of land)  Tigris & Euphrates flow through Iraq  Mesopotamia (land between two rivers) in Tigris-Euphrates valley  Infrequent rainfall collects in wadis, vital to desert life

6 Plains, Plateaus, Mountains  Much of region’s agriculture in fertile plains along Mediterranean/Caspian  Africa’s largest mtn range, Atlas, has fertile farmland in N. slopes in Morocco  50%+ of Morocco involved in agriculture  Asir Mtns most productive agricultural land in Arabian Peninsula (up to 19 in./year)

7 Earthquakes  African, Arabian, and Eurasian plates collide together  Tectonic movement built the Zargos Mtns. in S. Iran & Taurus of Turkey  1999 earthquake (7.4) killed almost 20,000 in Turkey

8 Natural Resources  70% of oil reserves & 33% of natural gas in the region  Over-reliance on oil means great shifts in economies  Turkmenistan has large deposits of sulfate (detergent, glass)  United Arab Emirates is re-investing oil profits into technology, tourism

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