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THE USSR UNDER STALIN The Five-Year Plans. Aims of Communism Spreading Wealth What Does this Require? – Careful Planning of the Economy – GOSPLAN Need.

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Presentation on theme: "THE USSR UNDER STALIN The Five-Year Plans. Aims of Communism Spreading Wealth What Does this Require? – Careful Planning of the Economy – GOSPLAN Need."— Presentation transcript:


2 Aims of Communism Spreading Wealth What Does this Require? – Careful Planning of the Economy – GOSPLAN Need to Estimate Output and Profits

3 The First 5 Year Plan 1927 Gosplan Draws up 1st 5-Year Plan Goal: Transform the Soviet Economy 1928 1st Five Year Plan Announced 5-Year Plan Concerned Every Aspect of Soviet Economy Sets Targets for All Industries

4 What Were Stalin’s Motives for the Plan Stalin Had Originally Disagreed with this Kind of Development 1927 War Scare - Prompts Stalin to Seek Quick Industrialization 1928 Counter-Revolutionary Capitalists Wreaking Havoc in USSR Stalin Changes Mind About Rapid Industrialization


6 Stalin’s Aims for Industrialization NEP Not Creating The Right Individual Socialist Individual Agricultural Economy Controlled by Peasantry Achieve Self-Sufficiency, Autarky Increase Military Strength Move Toward Socialism

7 The Plan in Action Increasing Production Output in All Areas Workers Excited By the Tasks Stalin Changes 5-Year Plan to 4-Year Plan

8 The Need to Industrialize To slacken the temp would mean falling behind. And those that fall behind will get beaten. But we do not want to be beaten. No, we refuse to be beaten! One feature of the history of old Russia was the continual beating she suffered because of her backwardness…They beat her because to do so was profitable and could be done with impunity…That is why we must no longer lag behind…We are fifty or a hundred years behind the advanced countries. We must make good this distance in ten years. Either we do it, or we shall go under. - Stalin, 1931

9 The Results of the Plan Industrial Output Sees Increases New Five Year Plan Announced in 1932

10 The First and Second Five-Year Plans Output of Heavy Industry in Millions of Tons

11 Workers and Their Work Uninterrupted Work Weeks Missing Work Becomes Punishable Issuing of Internal Passports Workers Carry Work Books

12 Workers and Their Work As soon as the meeting opened, the weavers made their way to the exit…The weavers, as they were leaving, shouted, “You well-fed devils have sucked the juices out of us enough. For 12 years already you have drivelled and agitated and stuffed our heads. Before you said that the factory owners exploited us, but the factory owners did not force us to work in four shifts, and there was enough of everything in the shops. Now we work four shifts. Where before four men worked, now only one works. You are bloodsuckers, and that’s not all…If you go to a shop now and want to buy something, the shops are empty: there are no shoes, no clothing, there is nothing the worker needs. - 1929 Secret Police Report from Smolensk regarding factory workers complaints.

13 Workers and Their Work: Shock Brigades Shock Briagdes Incentives for Workers Who Worked Well Keeping an Eye on Each Other

14 The Stakhanov Movement Alexei Stakhanov’s Improvement of Productivity in Coal Turns into a Major Publicity Campaign to Inspire Workers Heroes of Socialist Labor

15 Problems of Industrialization In the assembly shop I talked to a young man who was grinding sockets. I asked him how he measured, and he showed me how he used his fingers. We had no measuring instruments. Massive Migration from Countryside to Cities - Industrial Working Population Grows Poor Living and Working Conditions USSR Workers Working During the Great Depression



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