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Sharon A. Stone Butte County Department Child Support Services.

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Presentation on theme: "Sharon A. Stone Butte County Department Child Support Services."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sharon A. Stone Butte County Department Child Support Services

2 Etiquette Or… How to Present Yourself & Your Ideas With Power & Confidence!

3 HOW YOU AND YOUR LCSA WILL BENEFIT: Promote a professional image—When you are comfortable with business etiquette, you give yourself and your LCSA a powerful professional image. Your customers will know they’ve come the right person. Acquire confidence and poise for any business setting— Whether meeting with a customer or co-worker you are equipped to handle yourself with confidence, poise, and polish. Strengthen networking and relationship building—When you master the art of business etiquette you reinforce relationships with your customers, co-workers and “bosses”.

4 Etiquette: On the Telephone In Email In CSE In Person

5 Phone Etiquette

6 Answering Calls Leaving Messages Telephone Manners Concluding a Phone Call Recording Your Voice Mail Message

7 Email Etiquette

8 The gift that keeps on giving: Your Email could be saved by the recipient. Your Email could be forwarded to an unintended person. It could be the subject of a Public Records Act Request. Reminder: Business Emails are not personal text messages.


10 Everyone in the State Can See That! With the statewide system, CSE Activity Log can be viewed by a whole lot of people. The tone of your Activity Log can help to establish you as a professional able to handle difficult situations with grace and ease and establish good relationships with other LCSAs. Let’s all agree to use standard abbreviations.

11 In Person

12 The More Difficult Encounter: Don’t take it personally. Perhaps the offender is having a bad day. Size up your annoyances. Is it worth it to make a fuss over something small, or is it a waste of your emotional time? Set a good example. Rudeness begets rudeness. If you speak sharply to the customer, don’t be surprised if you get the same treatment in return. Count to ten. When someone’s behavior makes you angry, take a few deep breaths and ask yourself, “Is it really worth blowing my stack over this?” Laugh it off. If you can’t come up with a friendly joke, just chuckle and change the subject.

13 Child Support Professionals Whether By Phone, Email, CSE or In Person We Are All Being Given An Opportunity to Show That: We Are Child Support Professionals! We never touch someone so lightly that we do not leave a trace….author unknown

14 THANK YOU! Credits: Emily Post; Etiquette Everyday Rachel Wagner; Etiquette and Protocol iExpert Village; Professional Phone Etiquette

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