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Using Wikis in the Classroom. Why should you use a wiki in the classroom? According to the cognitive research covered in How People Learn How People Learn,

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Presentation on theme: "Using Wikis in the Classroom. Why should you use a wiki in the classroom? According to the cognitive research covered in How People Learn How People Learn,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Using Wikis in the Classroom

2 Why should you use a wiki in the classroom? According to the cognitive research covered in How People Learn How People Learn, environments that best promote learning have four interdependent aspects: they focus on learners well-organized knowledge ongoing assessment for understanding community support and challenge. Sources: ctivity ctivity

3 Community-centered environments model situations for people to learn from one another, and support continual improvement. In such a community, students are encouraged to be active, constructive participants. Further, they are encouraged to make—and then learn from—mistakes. This type of collaboration fosters support, challenge and teamwork. Sources: ctivity ctivity

4 There are many ways to get started using wikis in the classroom. The following site is very helpful:

5 Inspiration: The 1000 Names Project My grade ones and twos want to know what 1000 looks like. We are collecting 1000 names. Can you help us by adding your name to our wiki? Just click on edit at the top of the page, add the next number and your name at the bottom, then click save. --Kathy Cassidy ( To see more of the amazing projects that Kathy Cassidy has done with her grade one and grade two students, visit her webpage at:

6 Wiki Introduction Project A mail carrier has 8 letters in his bag. He is delivering the letters to an apartment building with 10 mailboxes. How many different ways can the mail carrier place the 8 letters in the 10 mailboxes? Source:

7 Weekly or Biweekly Math Problems Yesterday, I was watering my tomato plants when I noticed there were ladybugs on them. If the following ladybugs represents 2/3 of the total number of ladybugs on my plants, how many ladybugs were there on the plants? Source:

8 Other Ideas Textbook editing: Take sections of the textbook and have the students rewrite it in their own words. The different sections can be put on a wiki. Students prepare a presentation for the class, explaining their reasoning behind the changes. Students also create or find other examples or pictures to help illustrate their points.

9 Other Ideas Lab Reports: Most science labs are done in groups. Rather than have each student create a lab report, it can be done as a group on a wiki.

10 Guiding Principles When Using Technology in the Classroom (1) What can I do now that I couldn't do before? (2) Watch it. Do it. Teach it. (3) How can I get them to make their thinking transparent? Source:

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