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Sage International Relations Junior Enterprise UNESP São Paulo State University A small report designed by Sage to Mr. Glenn Waley about children and teenager.

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Presentation on theme: "Sage International Relations Junior Enterprise UNESP São Paulo State University A small report designed by Sage to Mr. Glenn Waley about children and teenager."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sage International Relations Junior Enterprise UNESP São Paulo State University A small report designed by Sage to Mr. Glenn Waley about children and teenager violence and abuse in Brazil.

2 A violence watch system (VIVA) implemented by the Brazilian Ministry of Health has been analyzing the notifications of domestic violence, sexual abuse and others types of violence all over the country. VIVA is an official, reliable source and has supplied the data presented here. Their last report was released in 2006/2007.

3 124.935 In 2006, external causes (accidents and violence) killed 124.935 children and teenagers in Brazil. That figure represents 13.7% of all deaths with defined causes. Aggression appears as the main death cause among adolescents (age 10 - 19); among children (age 0 – 9), it appears as the fourth leading cause.

4 Transportation accidents (31,5%); Drowning (22,7%) Breathing related problems (16,5%) ; Physical Violence appears as the fourth cause of mortality. Main Reported Death Causes AGE 0 - 9

5 At this age group, At this age group, f ollowed by: Transportation accidents (25,9%); and Drowning (9,0%), violence appears as the leading cause of death ( 52, 9% ). Main Reported Death Causes AGE 10 - 19

6 negligence It is important that we pay attention to the fact that a relevant share of all accidents are caused by negligence. Children are not capable of taking care of themselves and the lack of adequate support also constitutes a form of violence.

7 Sexual Abuse 1.939 Of the 1.939 registered cases of violence against children, 845 ( 44% ) corresponded to sexual abuse. Girls are the main victims ( 60% ) and most of the violence happens in the child’s own home ( 58% ).

8 2.370 Brazilian teenagers are also victims of sexual abuse. Of the 2.370 registered cases of violence against adolescents, 1.335 (56%) corresponded to sexual abuse. The profile is very similar to the one found in child abuse: 78% 58% 20% Females are also the main victims (78%) and most of the violence happens in the teenager’s own home (58%), followed street violence (20%).

9 PhysicalPsychologicalSexualNegligenceFinancial Types of Violence Children Adolescents

10 Places of Occurrence Children Adolescents ResidenceStreetsHealth UnitsOthersUnknown

11 Thank You! Thank You!

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