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Hades the devil By Nicholas Taylor Brazda. Hades is the god of the underworld King of the dead.

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Presentation on theme: "Hades the devil By Nicholas Taylor Brazda. Hades is the god of the underworld King of the dead."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hades the devil By Nicholas Taylor Brazda

2 Hades is the god of the underworld King of the dead

3 Hades is a half god His parents are Cronus and Rhea UranusGaia OceanusHyperionCoeusCriusIapetusMnemosyne CronusRheaTethysTheiaPhoebeThemis ZeusHeraHestiaDemeterHadesPoseidon AresHephaestusHebeEileithyiaEnyoEris MetisMaiaLetoSemele AphroditeAthenaHermesApolloArtemisDionysus

4 Hes the king of curses He is also king of ghosts

5 Hades is control of spring and winter

6 Greeks made up these myths to show stuff like it was

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