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Interpreting cues for sexual availability She Said He Said.

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Presentation on theme: "Interpreting cues for sexual availability She Said He Said."— Presentation transcript:

1 Interpreting cues for sexual availability She Said He Said

2 John and Jenn meet at a local bar. Jenn is dressed to impress, and seems flirty. John is clearly interested.

3 John buys a couple rounds of drinks, which they enjoy as they talk.

4 Jenn smiles at John. What do you think Jenn is thinking?

5 John smiles back at Jenn. What do you think John is thinking?

6 After a couple more drinks, Jenn says she is ready to go. John offers to walk her home. Jenn says she would like that.

7 When they get to her apartment, Jenn invites John in. What do you think Jenn is thinking?

8 What do you think John is thinking?

9 Sex (28%) Manipulation (23%) Drink alcohol (22%) PSU men’s views about what John is thinking? At the bar:

10 PSU women’s views about what Jenn is thinking? To be liked (45%) Drink alcohol (24%) Have fun (16%) Sex (28%) Manipulation (23%) Drink alcohol (22%) At the bar:

11 PSU men’s views about what John is thinking. Sex (74%) At the door:

12 PSU women’s views about what Jenn is thinking? Sex (74%) Sex (27%) To be liked (17%) Non-sex contact (17%) At the door:

13 Penn Staters Researching Interventions for Social Misconduct Thank you for your help making Penn State fun and safe for everyone!

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