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SDO/Forum Collaboration: An Essential Part of ICT Management Dave Sidor Chairman, ITU-T SG 4 Nobuo Fujii Vice Chairman, ITU-T SG 4 DOCUMENT #:GSC13-PLEN-10.

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Presentation on theme: "SDO/Forum Collaboration: An Essential Part of ICT Management Dave Sidor Chairman, ITU-T SG 4 Nobuo Fujii Vice Chairman, ITU-T SG 4 DOCUMENT #:GSC13-PLEN-10."— Presentation transcript:

1 SDO/Forum Collaboration: An Essential Part of ICT Management Dave Sidor Chairman, ITU-T SG 4 Nobuo Fujii Vice Chairman, ITU-T SG 4 DOCUMENT #:GSC13-PLEN-10 FOR:Presentation SOURCE:ITU-T AGENDA ITEM:Plenary 6.10 CONTACT(S):Dave Sidor, Nobuo Fujii Submission Date: July 1, 2008

2 2 SG 4 –Focused on the generation of telecommunication management interface specifications based on IT technologies, such as CORBA and XML –Strong supporter of collaboration among SDOs/forums and reuse of their specifications –Sponsor of the former NGN Management Focus Group (NGNMFG) and the recently created Joint Coordination Activity on Management (JCA-Mgt) NGN Management Focus Group (2004 – 2008) –Produced a restructured Roadmap (v5.1) which identifies communication and IT specifications to manage NGN: see –Served as a facilitator of management specification harmonization and gap analysis Highlight of Current Activities (1)

3 3 Joint Coordination Activity on Management (2008 - ?) –Current Objectives Coordinate the management needs of NGN as well as the next generation of telecom management networks and systems Focus on specifications related to management interfaces between network elements and management systems and between management systems Serve as a focal point for sharing management interface work plans and deliverables among SDOs and forums Act as a facilitator of management specification harmonization and gap analysis –Invited participants include representatives of ITU-T SGs, ETSI, ATIS, TTC, 3GPP, 3GPP2, TM Forum, IEEE, IETF, OASIS, MEF, DMTF –See for more information Highlight of Current Activities (2)

4 4 Strategic Direction Foster greater SDO and forum collaboration in the development of ICT management specifications to support communication services, networks, and equipment

5 5 Challenges The many SDO and forum management specifications to support communication and IT technologies SDO and forum willingness to reuse the work of other organizations Cultural barriers among SDOs and forums responsible for the management of communication and IT technologies Need for a better understanding of the convergence of communication and IT technologies

6 6 Next Steps/Actions Consider use of the Joint Coordination Activity on Management to –Understand the convergence of the communication and IT technologies –Understand the “cultural” differences between communication and IT management, e.g, starting with terminology –Identify the key SDOs and forums involved in ICT management standardization –Serve as a focal point for sharing ICT management work plans and deliverables among SDOs and forums –Act as a facilitator of ICT management specification reuse

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