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Mocking tools for easier unit testing Telerik Software Academy High Quality Code.

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Presentation on theme: "Mocking tools for easier unit testing Telerik Software Academy High Quality Code."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mocking tools for easier unit testing Telerik Software Academy High Quality Code

2  Testable Code  Mocking  Moq  Moq demo  JustMock  JustMock demo 2


4  Inversion of Control Pattern  There is a decoupling of the execution of a certain task from implementation  Every module can focus on what it is designed for  Modules make no assumptions about what other systems do but rely on their contracts  Replacing modules has no side effect on other modules  More info at 4

5  Public API should work with interfaces, not implementation classes (IEnumerable vs. List)  Bad code:  Good code: 5 public IList Cards { get; private set; } public Card[] Cards { get; private set; }

6  Dependency Injection  Ninject –  Consists of:  A dependent consumer  A declaration of a component's dependencies, defined as interface contracts  An injector (sometimes referred to as a provider or container) that creates instances of classes that implement a given dependency interface on request 6

7  Bad: 7 public interface IViewBase {} public interface IPresenterBase {} public class MemoryLayoutView: IViewBase {} public class MemoryLayoutPresenter: IPresenterBase { private MemoryLayoutView view = new MemoryLayoutView(); private MemoryLayoutView view = new MemoryLayoutView(); public MemoryLayoutPresenter() { } public MemoryLayoutPresenter() { }}

8  Good: 8 public interface IViewBase {} public interface IPresenterBase {} public class MemoryLayoutView: IViewBase {} public class MemoryLayoutPresenter : IPresenterBase { private IViewBase view; private IViewBase view; public MemoryLayoutPresenter(IViewBase myView) public MemoryLayoutPresenter(IViewBase myView) { this.view = myView; this.view = myView; }} public class Program { static void Main() { static void Main() { InjectionContainer.Create (); InjectionContainer.Create (); }}


10  Makes Unit Testing more effective  Avoid writing boring boilerplate code  Isolate dependencies among units  Asserts expectations for code quality  Ex: Checks that a method is called only once 10


12  Install from the NuGet package manager  Refer the library  Use its API  12 var mock = new Mock (); mock.Setup(r => r.Add(It.IsAny ())).Verifiable(); mock.Setup(r => r.All()).Returns(this.FakeCarCollection);

13  The most often used APIs: .Setup() .Verifiable() .Callback() .Returns() .Throws()  It.Is (x => condition) 13


15  Install from the Telerik account   Use the Visual Studio NuGet package manager 15 CarsData = Mock.Create (); Mock.Arrange(() => CarsData.Add(Arg.IsAny ())).DoNothing(); Mock.Arrange(() => CarsData.All()).Returns(FakeCarCollection); Mock.Arrange(() => CarsData.Search(Arg.AnyString)).Returns(FakeCarCollection.Where(.Returns(FakeCarCollection.Where( c => c.Make == "BMW").ToList()); c => c.Make == "BMW").ToList()); Mock.Arrange(() => CarsData.GetById(Arg.AnyInt)).Returns(FakeCarCollection.First());.Returns(FakeCarCollection.First());

16  Two versions:  Free version – excellent when the code is written with testability in mind  Paid version – mocks everything (mscorlib, EntityFramework, SQL), legacy code base which is not written to be testable, statics, privates, etc.  More information here:  started-commercial-vs-free-version.html started-commercial-vs-free-version.html started-commercial-vs-free-version.html 16

17  The most often used APIs: .CallOriginal() .Returns() .DoInstead() .DoNothing() .Throw()  Arg.Matches (x => condition) 17

18 Live Demo

19 форум програмиране, форум уеб дизайн курсове и уроци по програмиране, уеб дизайн – безплатно програмиране за деца – безплатни курсове и уроци безплатен SEO курс - оптимизация за търсачки уроци по уеб дизайн, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Photoshop уроци по програмиране и уеб дизайн за ученици ASP.NET MVC курс – HTML, SQL, C#,.NET, ASP.NET MVC безплатен курс "Разработка на софтуер в cloud среда" BG Coder - онлайн състезателна система - online judge курсове и уроци по програмиране, книги – безплатно от Наков безплатен курс "Качествен програмен код" алго академия – състезателно програмиране, състезания ASP.NET курс - уеб програмиране, бази данни, C#,.NET, ASP.NET курсове и уроци по програмиране – Телерик академия курс мобилни приложения с iPhone, Android, WP7, PhoneGap free C# book, безплатна книга C#, книга Java, книга C# Николай Костов - блог за програмиране форум програмиране, форум уеб дизайн курсове и уроци по програмиране, уеб дизайн – безплатно програмиране за деца – безплатни курсове и уроци безплатен SEO курс - оптимизация за търсачки уроци по уеб дизайн, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Photoshop уроци по програмиране и уеб дизайн за ученици ASP.NET MVC курс – HTML, SQL, C#,.NET, ASP.NET MVC безплатен курс "Разработка на софтуер в cloud среда" BG Coder - онлайн състезателна система - online judge курсове и уроци по програмиране, книги – безплатно от Наков безплатен курс "Качествен програмен код" алго академия – състезателно програмиране, състезания ASP.NET курс - уеб програмиране, бази данни, C#,.NET, ASP.NET курсове и уроци по програмиране – Телерик академия курс мобилни приложения с iPhone, Android, WP7, PhoneGap free C# book, безплатна книга C#, книга Java, книга C# Николай Костов - блог за програмиране

20  C# Programming @ Telerik Academy   Telerik Software Academy   Telerik Academy @ Facebook   Telerik Software Academy Forums  20

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