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Game Play: Lesson 5 I can find the nutrients to play.

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Presentation on theme: "Game Play: Lesson 5 I can find the nutrients to play."— Presentation transcript:

1 Game Play: Lesson 5 I can find the nutrients to play.

2 Nutrition…It does a body good What makes… Your heart beat? Your body move? Your mind think? Your life grow?

3 Hunger Games What is in food that makes us healthy ?

4 Hunger Games What is in food that can make us UN-healthy?

5 Hunger Games Processed “white” foods like white breads, white pastas, etc. Refined white sugar, high fructose corn syrup, aspartame Addictive substances like MSG, and other “taste enhancing” chemicals Processed, denatured fats and oils that the body cannot deal with

6 Go…Slow…Whoa If it GROWS…we Go If it is fake… we hit the brake

7 Top 10 Plays

8 What’s on Your plate?

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