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Best Practices in Loading Large Datasets Asanka Padmakumara (BSc,MCTS) SQL Server Sri Lanka User Group Meeting Oct 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Best Practices in Loading Large Datasets Asanka Padmakumara (BSc,MCTS) SQL Server Sri Lanka User Group Meeting Oct 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Best Practices in Loading Large Datasets Asanka Padmakumara (BSc,MCTS) SQL Server Sri Lanka User Group Meeting Oct 2013

2 Agenda  Definition of “Large Dataset”  Database and table structures for large data sets.  Loading data using T-SQL  Loading data using SSIS  Q & A

3 A Large Dataset….  A Collection of data sets: large complex difficult to process ~ Wikipedia Large data set to you is depend on your hardware configuration.

4 A Large table…. A large table is one that does not perform as desired or one where the maintenance costs have gone beyond pre-defined maintenance periods. if one user’s activities significantly affect another or if maintenance operations affect other user’s abilities. In effect, this even limits availability. ~Microsoft White Paper ( Partitioned Tables and Indexes )

5 Database and table structures  Try to have multiple file group across multiple disks. Can backup only the file group. To get Performance Data on a separate I/O path. Index on a separate I/O path  Partition the tables and Indexes Partition means Break large table into parts. Easy to insert-Switch partition in to table Easy to delete- Move partition from table Can rebuild index only of the partition

6 Database and table structures

7  Have Clustered index for the most using column.  Have non Clustered indexes for other most using columns.  Try to have correct data types. Int, smallint makes a different when no of rows are high.

8 Loading Data with T-SQL  TSQL Commands and Utilities  BCP  BULK INSERT  OPENROWSET

9 Loading Data with T-SQL  BCP  bulk copy is an utility program: bcp.exe  copies data between Microsoft SQL Server and a data file in a user-specified format  Can generate format file for data.  performance is improved if the data being imported is sorted according to the clustered index on the table  IN – Insert to table, Out- Export to file  Syntax: bcp AdventureWorks2012.sales.CurrencyRate out F:\DemoData\Currency.dat –c –usa – SSLLAPTOP266\SQL2012

10 Loading Data with T-SQL  Bulk Insert  Transact-SQL statement. faster than the BCP utility  Unlike BCP, Can’t export data to files. Only insert  you can specify up to 1024 fields only, If more than that use BCP.  Syntax : BULK INSERT AdventureWorks2012.Sales.SalesOrderDetail FROM 'f:\orders\lineitem.tbl’

11 Loading Data with T-SQL  OPENROWSET  Alternative to accessing tables in a linked server and is a one-time  SELECT a.* FROM OPENROWSET('SQLNCLI', 'Server=Seattle1;Trusted_Connection=yes;','SELECT Name FROM Department AS a;)  Use BULK keyword for use OPENROWSET for bulk loading  SELECT a.* FROM OPENROWSET( BULK 'c:\testvalues.txt',FORMATFILE = 'c:\test\values.fmt') AS a;  IGNORE_CONSTRAINTS, IGNORE_TRIGGERS

12 Loading Data with T-SQL  Considerations…. Disable Index Alter index [IXYourIndex] ON YourTable DISABLE Disable constrain Do not disable clustered index. Table become read- only. If you disable it have to rebuild index. Enable Index ALTER INDEX [IXYourIndex] ON YourTable REBUILD

13 Deleting Data with T-SQL  Truncate instead of delete.(if possible)  (if not) Move the Partition to new table, then truncate it.-New table should be in same file group Delete batch by batch avoid growing log file delete is a single auto-commit transaction Disable Triggers Simple recovery mode to minimize growing log

14 Loading data using SSIS Buffer size Can increase buffer size of dataflow task Default size=10MB, can set up to=100MB Cachelookup If same table is looked up more than once inside SSIS package, cache that lookup Vender specific providers will give you more performance. Ex: Oracle provider instead of Microsoft Oledb

15 Loading data using SSIS  Use raw file instead on temp table when using staging table  Avoid using Slowly changing dimension control. Use merge statement instead of SCD control  Use parallel flow inside dataflow task to multi threading  Minimize usage of blocking,Partially blocking transformations Ex: Aggregate, Sort, Merge, Merge Join, and Union All

16 Demo  Demo # 1  Delete data from partitioned table.  Demo # 2  Import/Export data using BCP

17 Q & A

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