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Tissues Four major tissue types 1.Epithelium 2.Connective 3.Muscle 4.Nervous 3/14/20161.

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Presentation on theme: "Tissues Four major tissue types 1.Epithelium 2.Connective 3.Muscle 4.Nervous 3/14/20161."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tissues Four major tissue types 1.Epithelium 2.Connective 3.Muscle 4.Nervous 3/14/20161

2 2

3 Classification of Epithelial Tissues Two simple rules 1.Shape of cells (always check the most superficial layer) Squamous (plate-like) Cuboidal Columnar Pseudostratified (appears to be multiple layers) 2.Number of layers Simple (one layer) Stratified (more than one layer) Transitional (cells change shape) 3/14/20163

4 Simple Epithelium Simple squamous Simple cuboidal Simple columnar Pseudostratified 3/14/20164

5 5

6 Simple Squamous 3/14/20166

7 7

8 8

9 9

10 10

11 3/14/201611

12 3/14/201612

13 3/14/201613

14 3/14/201614

15 3/14/201615

16 3/14/201616

17 3/14/201617

18 3/14/201618

19 3/14/201619

20 3/14/201620

21 3/14/201621

22 Simple Cuboidal 3/14/201622

23 3/14/201623

24 3/14/201624

25 3/14/201625

26 3/14/201626

27 Simple Columnar 3/14/201627

28 3/14/201628

29 3/14/201629

30 3/14/201630

31 3/14/201631

32 3/14/201632

33 Pseudostratified Columnar 3/14/201633

34 3/14/201634

35 3/14/201635

36 3/14/201636

37 3/14/201637

38 3/14/201638

39 3/14/201639

40 3/14/201640

41 3/14/201641

42 Stratified Epithelium Stratified squamous Stratified cuboidal Stratified columnar (rare) Transitional 3/14/201642

43 Stratified Squamous 3/14/201643

44 3/14/201644

45 3/14/201645

46 3/14/201646

47 3/14/201647

48 3/14/201648

49 3/14/201649

50 3/14/201650

51 Stratified Cuboidal 3/14/201651

52 3/14/201652

53 3/14/201653

54 3/14/201654

55 Transitional 3/14/201655

56 3/14/201656

57 3/14/201657

58 3/14/201658

59 3/14/201659

60 Stratified Columnar 3/14/201660

61 3/14/201661

62 3/14/201662

63 Connective Tissues 1. Loose or areolar 2. Dense irregular 3. Dense regular 4. Elastic 5. Reticular 6. Adipose 7. Cartilage Hyaline Elastic Fibrocartilage 8. Blood 9. Bone 3/14/201663

64 3/14/201664

65 3/14/201665

66 Loose (Areolar) Connective Tissue 3/14/201666

67 3/14/201667

68 3/14/201668

69 3/14/201669

70 3/14/201670

71 3/14/201671

72 3/14/201672

73 3/14/201673

74 3/14/201674

75 Dense Irregular Connective Tissue 3/14/201675

76 3/14/201676

77 3/14/201677

78 3/14/201678

79 3/14/201679

80 Dense Regular Connective Tissue 3/14/201680

81 3/14/201681

82 3/14/201682

83 3/14/201683

84 3/14/201684

85 Elastic Connective Tissue 3/14/201685

86 Elastic Connective Tissue Relatively rare But relatively high concentration in several organs including the largest arteries This image shows a portion of the wall of the aorta Elastin fibers important in the recoil of organs like arteries and lungs 3/14/201686

87 3/14/201687

88 3/14/201688

89 3/14/201689

90 Reticular Connective Tissue 3/14/201690

91 3/14/201691

92 3/14/201692

93 3/14/201693

94 Adipose Tissue 3/14/201694

95 3/14/201695

96 3/14/201696

97 3/14/201697

98 Hyaline Cartilage 3/14/201698

99 3/14/201699

100 3/14/2016100

101 3/14/2016101

102 3/14/2016102

103 Elastic Cartilage 3/14/2016103

104 3/14/2016104

105 3/14/2016105

106 3/14/2016106

107 Fibrocartilage 3/14/2016107

108 3/14/2016108

109 3/14/2016109

110 3/14/2016110

111 3/14/2016111

112 3/14/2016112

113 Blood 3/14/2016113

114 3/14/2016114

115 3/14/2016115

116 Bone 3/14/2016116

117 3/14/2016117

118 3/14/2016118

119 3/14/2016119

120 3/14/2016120

121 3/14/2016121

122 Striated or Skeletal 3/14/2016122

123 3/14/2016123

124 3/14/2016124

125 3/14/2016125

126 3/14/2016126

127 3/14/2016127

128 3/14/2016128

129 3/14/2016129

130 3/14/2016130

131 3/14/2016131

132 Cardiac 3/14/2016132

133 3/14/2016133

134 3/14/2016134

135 3/14/2016135

136 3/14/2016136

137 3/14/2016137

138 3/14/2016138

139 3/14/2016139

140 Smooth 3/14/2016140

141 3/14/2016141

142 3/14/2016142

143 3/14/2016143

144 3/14/2016144

145 3/14/2016145

146 3/14/2016146

147 3/14/2016147

148 3/14/2016148

149 3/14/2016149

150 Nerve Cell 3/14/2016150

151 3/14/2016151

152 3/14/2016152

153 Neuron 3/14/2016153

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